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Updated: August 13, 2024

This tender mother used to spend the greater part of the day, as well as the night, in that room, which she had built in order to represent the tomb of Bedreddin, whom she supposed to be dead after so long an absence. At this very instant she was shedding tears at the thoughts of her dear child; and Schemseddin entering, found her labouring under that affliction.

The schoolmaster, who was near, and heard all that passed, came just at the nick of time, and speaking to Agib, says, Agib, do not you know that the vizier Schemseddin is not your father, but your grandfather, and the father of your mother, the lady of beauty?

Schemseddin, having opened the paper, knew his brother Noureddin's hand, and found this superscription, 'For my son Bedreddin Hassan. Before he could make any reflections, his daughter delivered him the bag that lay under his clothes, which he likewise opened, and found full of sequins; for, as before mentioned, notwithstanding all the liberality of Bedreddin, it was still kept full by the genius and fairy.

Schaban returned speedily to the tents, and gave the tart to Noureddin's widow, who snatched it eagerly, and broke off a piece; but had no sooner put it to her mouth, than she screamed and swooned away, Schemseddin, being present, was extremely surprised at the accident, threw water upon her face himself, and was very active in succouring her.

A curse on you, said he in a passion: What! dare you say that the vizier Schemseddin is not my father? No, no, cried they, with great laughter, he is but your grandfather, and you shall not play with us; nay, we will take care how we come into your company. Having spoken thus, they left him, scoffing and laughing among themselves, which mortified Agib so much that he wept.

Crook-back, knowing it to be the vizier, answered, Alas! alas! it is you then that would marry me to the mistress of a buffalo, the sweetheart of an ugly genius; I will not be your fool, you shall not put a trick upon me. Schemseddin, on hearing Hump-back speak thus, thought he was raving, and bade him move, and stand upon his legs.

I must tell you, brother, answered Noureddin, that it is very suitable to our friendship; there cannot be a better thought; for my part, I am ready to agree to any thing you shall think fit. But hold, this is not all, says Schemseddin; my fancy carries me further.

After Noureddin left Cairo, with an intention never to return, Schemseddin, who was gone a hunting with the sultan of Egypt, did not come back in a month; for the Sultan loved the game extremely, and continued the sport all that while.

Sir, replied the vizier Schemseddin, I come to know what is become of the son of Noureddin Ali, my brother, who has had the honour to serve your majesty.

I am not mistaken, said he; this is the same chamber which I entered, instead of the hunch-backed groom of the stables, and am now in bed with the fair lady who was designed for him. Day-light, which then appeared, had not yet dispelled his uneasiness, when the vizier Schemseddin, his uncle, knocked at the door, and went to bid him good-morrow.

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