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You and I have been lucky so far in smaller matters, but this is a big thing, and we have to look to ourselves." "Yes," said the Greek, with savage emphasis. "Mus' we all tree be hung like dogga, because you, Manuel, have no pluck? Bah! you coward!" "Don't you call me a coward, you dirty, ear-ringed Levantine thief!" and Barradas sprang to his feet.

But Decensius took no account of these warnings. On the departure of the first cohorts, the soldiers, hitherto only restrained by Julian's stern and wise discipline, became excited and tumultuous. Savage murmurs ran through the crowd. The cries came nearer; wild agitation seized the garrison. "What has happened?" asked a veteran. "Twenty soldiers have been beaten to death!" "Twenty!

The Hillmen were about forty in number, and were as savage and ugly-looking giants as any in a picture book. They had captured a dozen cows and goats, and were driving them on before them, as they advanced further upon the village.

In addition to this, we had a Savage repeater and two Winchester thirties, and the Forest Supervisor carried his own Winchester thirty-eight. We were entirely prepared to meet the whole German army. It is rather sad to relate that, with all this preparation, we killed nothing whatever.

Does not Tacitus, half-anthropologist and half-Rousseau, describing the noble savage with his eye on fellow citizens, remark that among the Germans it is accounted a shameful thing to limit the number of your children?

The following officers received distinguished mention in General Schwan's reports, for service rendered under fire during the campaign in western Puerto Rico: Captain P.M.B. Travis, Eleventh Infantry. Captain R.W. Hoyt, Eleventh Infantry. Captain A.L. Myer, Eleventh Infantry. Captain Penrose, Eleventh Infantry. Captain Macomb, Fifth Cavalry. Acting Assistant Surgeon Savage.

The Sapona River proves to be the West Branch of Cape-Fair, or Clarendon River, whose Inlet, with other Advantages, makes it appear as noble a River to plant a Colony in, as any I have met withal. These are fear'd by all the savage Nations I ever was among, the Westward Indians dreading their Approach. They are all forted in, and keep continual Spies and Out-Guards for their better Security.

"If our brother were here, he whom the Fung have captured, he might know, being learned in the ways of idol-worshipping, savage peoples." "Alas! O Son of Orme," she said, "thanks to that traitor whom but now we have condemned, he is not here and, perhaps, could tell us nothing if he were.

On the mountains of everlasting snow, among the icebergs of the Polar Sea, and in the sandy deserts; on inhospitable shores, in the torrid zone, under the burning rays of the equatorial sun; with the savage and with the sage they are found ever ready to stimulate the spiritual nature, to give earthly advice, and supply material wants.

All her short life, this strange man, so tender to the weak, had watched her with a sort of savage scorn, sneering at her childish, dreamy apathy, driving her from effort to effort with a scourge of contempt. What did he want now with her? Her duty was light; she took it up, she was glad to take it up; what more would he have? She put the whole matter away from her. It grew late.