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The individual Udgithas of the several sakhas are indeed distinguished by different accentuation; but the general statement, 'Let him meditate on the Udgitha. suggests to the mind not any particular Udgitha, but the Udgitha in general, and hence there is no reason to restrict the meditation to a particular sakha.

Herewith terminates the adhikarana of 'holding together. This view the Sutra negatives. Although both meditations are meditations on man, yet they are separate 'on account of the others not being recorded, i.e. on account of the qualities recorded in one sakha not being recorded in the other. For the Taittiriyaka mentions the three libations, while the Chandogya does not, and so on.

There is here a legitimate ground for doubt, in so far as, although the general agreement of all Vedanta-texts is established, the Udgitha, and so on, are different in each Veda since the accents differ in the different Vedas The Purvapakshin declares that those meditations are limited each to its particular sakha; for, he says, the injunction 'Let him meditate on the Udgitha' does indeed, verbally, refer to the Udgitha in general; but as what stands nearest to this injunction is the special Udgitha of the sakha, in whose text this injunction occurs, and which shares the peculiarities of accent characteristic of that sakha, we decide that the meditation is enjoined on members of that sakha only.

Moreover, the followers of one sakha explicitly teach that the connexion with one and the same body is for the individual soul a source of disadvantage, while for the highest Brahman it is nothing of the kind, but constitutes an accession of glory in so far as it manifests him as a Lord and Ruler, 'Two birds, inseparable friends, cling to the same tree. Up.

And the son of Agni is the handsome Kumara born in a forest of reeds. And, he is also called Kartikeya because he was reared by Krittika and others. And, after Kartikeya, there were born his three brothers Sakha, Visakha, Naigameya. And the wife of Anila is Siva, and Siva's son were Manojava and Avijnataagati. These two were the sons of Anila.

And the son of Agni is the handsome Kumara born in a forest of reeds. And, he is also called Kartikeya because he was reared by Krittika and others. And, after Kartikeya, there were born his three brothers Sakha, Visakha, Naigameya. And the wife of Anila is Siva, and Siva's son were Manojava and Avijnataagati. These two were the sons of Anila.

The form called Skanda of wonderful appearance proceeded to the spot where Rudra was sitting. Visakha went to the spot where the divine daughter of Himavat was. The adorable Sakha, which is Kartikeya's Vayu form proceeded towards Agni. Naigameya, that child of fiery splendour, proceeded to the presence of Ganga. All those forms, of similar appearance, were endued with great effulgence.

Each of them thought, 'He will come to me! Understanding that this was the expectation cherished by each of those four, he had recourse to his Yoga powers and assumed at the same time four different forms. Indeed the adorable and puissant lord assumed those four forms in an instant. The three forms that stood behind were Sakha and Visakha and Naigameya.

As there is nothing contrary to reason in mantras and the rest, although mentioned in the text of one sakha only, finding, on the basis of such means of proof as direct statement, and so on, their application in all sakhas, since the sacrifice to which they belong is one and the same in all sakhas; so there is likewise no contradiction in the meditations under discussion being undertaken by members of all sakhas.

The instances coming under this head of discussion are all those meditations on Brahman which have for their only result final Release, which consists in attaining to Brahman such as the meditation on that which is, the meditation on the bhuman, the meditation on the small space within the heart, the Upakosala meditation, the Sandilya meditation, the meditation on Vaisvanara, the meditation on the Self of bliss, the meditation on the Imperishable, and others whether they be recorded in one sakha only or in several sakhas.