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The open door looked out pleasantly into the deep forest, where the waters of the cove, now at high tide, could be seen glittering through the trees. Soft moving spots of sunlight fell, checkering the feathery ferns and small piney tribes of evergreen which ran in ruffling wreaths of green through the dry, brown matting of fallen pine needles.

"Yes," drawled Bill, with an unction that was strangely sweet to Mayhall's wondering ears, "an' I do it ag'in, Captain Wells." "An' may I axe you," said Mayhall, ruffling a little, "may I axe you why you " "Certainly," said Bill, and he handed over the paper that he held in his hand. Mayhall took the paper and looked it up and down helplessly Flitter Bill slyly watching him.

Again he held his eyes away from her, clasping his hands and looking at the thing nearest to him, while at last blood from the heart of the natural man in him came up and stained his face, his forehead under the thin ruffling of colourless hair, his neck above the white band that was his badge of difference from other men. "I fear I hardly understand," he said.

The sun could not get through to scorch or dazzle, but it lit up the flickering sprays on the low boughs, so that looking through them you saw a silvery shimmering dance always going on. In the valley there had not perhaps been a breath of air, but up here a little ruffling breeze had its home, and was ready to fan you gently and hospitably directly you arrived.

Kate observed renewed smiles and animation, and set it down to the hope of seeing Dutton at "The Towers," especially as she also detected her doing what maids call "a little work for myself," and effecting wonders with a few yards of muslin and ruffling. Parks with oak and chestnut shady, Parks and ordered gardens great, Ancient homes of lord and lady, Built for pleasure and for state. Tennyson.

The minister by now had recovered his wind, and was in another of his sermon moods, with this ruffling at Mac-Cailein's name as his text. "I think I can comprehend," said he, "all this unwillingness to talk about my lord of Argile's part in the disaster of to-day.

And in an exceedingly happy description of what is termed the picturesque: And in his lines on the Eagle, from another gem: where I cannot but observe the peculiar beauty of the epithet applied to the plumes of the eagle. It is the right translation of the word by which Pindar has described the ruffling of the wings on the back of Zetes and Calais. Pyth. 4, 326.

He was engaged in finding the steward, and in aiding him to cloak his mistress; then with a ruffling air, a new acquirement, which he had picked up since he came to Paris, he made a way for her through the crowd.

The Pasmers are the dullest and most selfish people in the world." "Oh, I don't think that's her character," said Miss Cotton, ruffling her feathers defensively. "Neither do I. She has no fixed character. No girl has. Nobody has. We all have twenty different characters more characters than gowns and we put them on and take them off just as often for different occasions.

"I didn't say so, and you know I didn't; but if you can't get on without ruffling Godolphin, why, perhaps " "Very well, then, I'll leave the room the next time he comes. That will be perfectly simple; and it will be perfectly simple to do as most other people would not concern myself with the play in any way from this out.