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Success crowned his laudable efforts; gold rolled in upon him like water on a flood, buoying him up, soul and body, to that enviable height, where, as it would seem, just views can alone be taken of society in its innumerable phases.

The sky had changed suddenly from its blue and sunny brightness to an aspect dark and portentous. Along the north-west a vast volume of black vapour rolled up over the Sierra Madre, and rested upon the peaks of the mountains.

A pretty good job to do in the dark, I say. Bring your shovels, men." It was easy enough to see the spot now that the Chief had found it. The turf had been cut through with a shovel or spade and rolled or lifted back.

The medicine of the ordinary Indian family is hung over the entrance of the doorway or suspended on a pole, and may consist of a wolf skin or a dark blanket rolled in oblong fashion containing the sacred tokens of the family. Every Indian family takes pride in the ownership of a bevy of dogs. They are rich in dogs.

And when they talked English it rolled about uncontrollably on its r's, and had a great many long words in it got from Milton, and Dr. Johnson, and people like that, whom their mother had particularly loved, but as they talked far more to their mother than to their father, who was a man of much briefness in words though not in temper, they were better on the whole at English than German.

Through the waving stems she saw a figure, large and shapeless against the sky. Helen was upon her. Rolled this way and that, now seeing only forests of green, and now the high blue heaven; she was speechless and almost without sense. At last she lay still, all the grasses shaken round her and before her by her panting.

If thorough mastication were the rule, meat gluttons would be fewer, for when flesh is well chewed large quantities cause nausea. Milk digests best when it is rolled around in the mouth long enough to be mixed with saliva. To treat milk as a drink is a mistake, for it is a very nourishing food. All kinds of nuts must be well masticated.

"Now, Tom, my boy!" said Lord Claud in a clear, low tone. In a moment he had whipped out his pistols and fired straight at the officer, who fell face downwards almost without a groan. Tom had meanwhile marked his man the foremost in the rank behind; and he rolled over like a log.

Jerking himself erect, Carrier turned and flung the last of his terrible glances at the musician. A moment later the knife fell with a thud, and a bleeding head rolled into the basket, the eyes still staring, but powerless now to inspire terror. Upon the general silence broke an echo of the stroke. "Vlan!" cried a voice. "And there's a fine end to a great drowner!" It was Leroy the cocassier.

"Madame, I congratulate you; Monsieur le Grand is seated with the King. Never has he been so highly distinguished," said Marie. Then she was silent for a long time, and the carriage rolled mournfully over the dead, dry leaves. "Yes, I see it with joy; the King is so good!" answered the Marechale. And she sighed deeply.