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Where one player loses to the bank, another may win from it by the very same turn, and this of course checks the dealer from drawing the cards falsely, even if it were possible for him to do so. So I may as well play against Messrs. Chorley and Hatcher's bank as any other better, indeed; for if I am to win I shall have the satisfaction of the revanche, which those gentlemen owe me.

This good friend's relation to it was actually the revanche, she sufficiently indicated, of her obscured lustre at Matcham, where she had known her way about so much less than most of the others.

But the selections of Falaquera did not seem to find many readers either, as may be inferred from the fact that so far only one single manuscript of this translation is known. En revanche, as the French would say, the Christian Scholastics of the thirteenth century made Gabirol their own and studied him diligently.

Vaillant! ..." Audit might have been the voice of Paris itself, lying down there in her mist, Paris of lost Alsace and hopeless revanche, of ardor and charm crushed once, as they might be again, as the voice of that pale girl in black, with her air of coming from lights and cigarette smoke, and of these simple mothers rose above the noise of the street, half dirge, half battle-cry, while out beyond somewhere the little soldiers in red breeches were fighting, and the fate of France hung in the balance, that morning.

Hence the necessity of "guarantees"; and each guarantee that was taken, by increasing irritation and thus the probability of a subsequent Revanche by Germany, made necessary yet further provisions to crush. Thus, as soon as this view of the world is adopted and the other discarded, a demand for a Carthaginian Peace is inevitable, to the full extent of the momentary power to impose it.

It would be a fine thing if Dresden were to offer him a brilliant REVANCHE, such as he deserves. Brendel will publish his book within a few days. When you have read it, tell me your candid opinion. He refuses to show me ANYTHING of it, although he has read parts to several other persons. Fortunately you are no longer to yourself nor to me a QUESTION....

"What will happen to Germany," I asked, "if we are able to do so to her and so; would she take to dreams of a Revanche?" "She will take to Anglomania," he said, and added after a flash of reflection, "In the long run it will be the worse for you."

En revanche, in my old age I find comfort in the affection of young men, as in the case of yourselves and Quintus Tubero: nay more, I delight in the intimacy of such a very young man as Publius Rutilius and Aulus Verginius.

Thus Bismarck discouraged colonial extensions. He thought they might weaken Germany. On the other hand, he encouraged French colonial policy, because he thought it would divert the French from their preoccupation with the idea of revanche.

But the vicar had forgotten his classics. En revanche, however, he was doing his best to show himself sympathetic and up-to-date with regard to women and their new spheres of work especially on the land. He had noticed three girls, he said, working in the harvest field. Two of them he recognized as from the village; the third he supposed was a stranger? "She comes from Ralstone," said Rachel.