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Updated: August 5, 2024

Bayabarhay. 16. Rer Yasif. 17. Hindudub. 18. Rer Garwayna. The Northern Dulbahantas are suffering greatly from intestine war. They are even less tractable than the Warsingali. The elders and men of substance settle local matters, and all have a voice in everything that concerns the general weal: such for instance as the transit of a traveller.

"You folks go on an' I'll be there atter a while," replied Jasper. "Thar's a feller over yander that's got a bay nag I want an' I mout strike up a swop with him by the time the preacher gits to his second an' der rer." "You ain't goin' to do no sich of a thing," said Margaret. "I didn't come all the way over here to be humiliated. You'll go right in thar an' set down by me.

The Rer Guleni in wrath, at once murdered Masud, a peaceful traveller, because Inna Handun, his Abban or protector, was of the party who had attacked their proteges: they came upon him suddenly as he was purchasing some article, and stabbed him in the back, before he could defend himself. In Zayla there is not a single coffee-house.

Two routes connect Zayla with Harar; the south-western or direct line numbers ten long or twenty short stages : the first eight through the Eesa country, and the last two among the Nole Gallas, who own the rule of "Waday," a Makad or chief of Christian persuasion. The Hajj objected to this way, on account of his recent blood-feud with the Rer Guleni.

Guillelmus Neubrigensis, de rebus Anglicis, lib. 2. cap. 6. 8. Munter, Kirchengeschichte V. Danemark und Norwegen. Buch 2. tom. 2. Munter, ibid. Torfaeus, Hist. Rer. Norweg. pars. 3. lib. 9. cap. 12. Munter, &c., ibid. Joannes Magnus, Hist. Gott. lib. 18. cap. 17.

Lieutenant Speke saw two tribes, the Mahmud Gerad and Rer Ali Nalay. The latter is subdivided into six septs. The Habr Gerhajis, here scattered and cut up, have little power. Their royal family resides near Berberah, but no one as yet wears the turban; and even when investiture takes place, a ruler's authority will not extend to Makhar.

Rer Furlabah. 4. Rer Mummasan. 9. Rer Gada. 5. Rer Guleni. 10. Rer Ali Addah. Rer Galan. 4. Rer Dubbah. 2. Rer Harlah. 5. Rer Kul. 3. Rer Gadishah. 6. Rer Gedi.

Their late chief, Ugaz Roblay of the Bait Samattar sept, left children who could not hold their own: the turban was at once claimed by a rival branch, the Rer Abdillah, and a civil war ensued. The lovers of legitimacy will rejoice to hear that when I left the country, Galla, son of the former Prince Rainy, was likely to come to his own again.

This tribe numbers fourteen villages, and between 400 and 500 shields, and is divided into the Rer Yusuf, the Jibrailah, and the Warra Dig: the latter clan is said to be of Galla extraction. On the morning after my arrival at Sagharrah I felt too ill to rise, and was treated with unaffected kindness by all the establishment.

The Ayyal Yunis, the principal clan, contains four septs viz.: Jibril Yunis. 3. Ali Yunis. 2. Nur Yunis. 4. Adan Yunis. The other chief clans are Mikahil Dera. 7. Basannah. 2. Rer Ugaz. 8. Bahabr Hasan. 3. Jibrain. 9. Abdillah Mikahil. 4. Rer Mohammed Asa. 10. Hasan Mikahil. 5. Musa Fin. 11. Eyah Mikahil 6. Rer Abokr. 12. Hasan Waraba.

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