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But they are leaving soon; I am only going to keep one man in the office." They discussed business matters for a while. Tidemand had ground up a large quantity of his grain in order to accelerate the sales; he sold and lost, but he raised money. There was no longer any danger of a receivership.

After the establishment of the receivership, full statistics of imports and exports became available. The general receiver's office and the Dominican government accordingly drafted a new tariff, to which the American government agreed under the terms of the fiscal convention.

Money to be made?" "Yes." "Like to own it cheap?" "Of course." "Crane and Keith is gittin' ready for a killin'. Own big block of stock. Paid par. Want to sell, I hear ... if anybody's fool enough to buy. Then want to buy back for dum' near nothin' when receivership comes. Good scheme. Money in it. Crane thought it up." "What's your idea?" "Buy all they got. Option the rest.

The only wonder is that the management succeeded in keeping the system intact and apparently solvent so long as it did. The receivership at once adopted a vigorous policy of improvement. The rolling stock had run down until it could not handle even ordinary business.

This was followed by an absolute merger of the three roads, in January 1880 the new combination being known as the Union Pacific Railway Company. History of the Line since its completion. Government Indebtedness Absorption Other Lines Receivership Train Robbers Settlement With Government.

I caught a bargain in you; you have been useful to me in many ways; you have carried nearly the whole burden of the paper-mill receivership in a way to win me the praise of the court and all others interested. If you should quit me to-night I should still be your debtor.

Perhaps I may best illustrate the need of some receivership by drawing attention to the case of my friend the Reverend Augustus Bagster. Bagster is not by nature a spiritual genius; he is only a modern man who is sincerely desirous of doing what is expected of him.

Wilson in Russia and another, the League of Nations, to form its international court for it. He was willing to take a case for Mr. Harding to make a going concern of the world for him following the smash-up of the war, something like the task of counsel of a receivership, the most interesting receivership of all time. For a few years Mr. Roosevelt made public life interesting to Mr.

It was a pleasure to see some of our friends again, and very interesting to learn the news and latest developments. The story of the wonderful strike of gold at Kougarok and Gold Run, back of Port Clarence, was corroborated, and, generally, the mine-owners said that the country was richer than they had ever dreamed it to be. The receivership story was also very generally confirmed.

The situation is admittedly dangerous; and it is imperative that a speedy remedy be sought; for the heirs and assigns of an estate which has been mismanaged to the brink of bankruptcy must secure at all costs that no public receivership is made. What is the remedy?