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The creation of thirty-nine Cardinals in 1517 brought him in above 500,000 ducats. Yet, in spite of these expedients for getting gold, the bankers of Rome were half ruined when he died. The Bini had lent him 200,000 ducats; the Gaddi, 32,000; the Ricasoli, 10,000; the Cardinal Salviati claimed a debt of 80,000; the Cardinals Santi Quattro and Armellini, each 150,000.

When he made his appearance Tiberio Colaisso knew what he wanted, and although he had half repented of what he had done, the renewed possibility of selling the precious drug was a temptation he could not withstand. One day succeeded another, and each morning saw Arnoldo Meschini crossing the Ponte Quattro Capi on his way to the apothecary's.

I never tried; but it's my impression that if I had ever whispered a word in her ear I should have got a flea in my own for my pains." "You don't want to make us believe that you have been seeing her frequently all this time, passing hours with her a quattro occhi, and have never made love to her, Ludovico?" said Farini.

"I don't care for it," said Edith, putting her hands behind her and shaking her head. Immediately everybody in the room began to talk loudly, which so frightened Mrs. Sprague that she took out her purse and asked, "How much?" The boy held up four fingers. "Quattro lire," he said. "Four lire!" exclaimed Edith indignantly; "that is almost one dollar, and it isn't worth ten cents."

There was a church in existence at Canterbury when our bishop Mellitus was archbishop there, between 619 and 624, dedicated to the Four Crowned Martyrs of Diocletian's persecution, the Quattro Santi Incoronati, whose church is one of the most interesting in Rome. But this Canterbury church may have been built by the Italians. Again, there is very unmistakable and interesting Roman work at St.

There was no Via Nazionale then, and the buildings which now make the Via delle Quattro Fontane a continuous line of street existed only in the case of a few isolated houses and convents. It was a very comfortable apartment, roomy, sunny, and quiet.

She had no theatrical desire to swear a fearful oath with Gianbattista that they should drown themselves at the Ponte Quattro Capi rather than be separated. Her nature was not dramatic, any more than his.

His energy was all gone between his potations and the constant terror that paralysed him. On that morning he had been as usual to the Ponte Quattro Capi and had returned with the means of sleep in his pocket.

And to pass the time he strolled out to one of the many "osterie," or wine- houses which abound in Rome, a somewhat famous example of its kind in the Via Quattro Fontane.

Manasseh had not far to go, for his end of the Via Rua debouched on the Piazza Giudea; the other end, after running parallel to the Via Pescheria and the river, bent suddenly near the Gate of Octavius, and finished on the bridge Quattro Capi. Such was the Ghetto in the sixteen hundreds. Soon after Manasseh had left the house, Miriam came in with anxious face to inquire if Joseph had returned.