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Updated: August 18, 2024

We observed, growing along the creek, another species of Portulaca, with linear fleshy leaves, erect stem, and small yellow flowers; and a half-shrubby Malvaccous plant, with small clustered yellow blossoms: the latter is common at the outside of scrubs in the Moreton Bay district.

Crossing Broad Street, which wore its look of Sabbath sleepiness, Gabriella hurried on to Hill Street, and saw George waiting for her between the two green-painted urns filled with the summer's fading bloom of portulaca.

In the lee of these, held in place by a line of stones, is a long, low bed of large-flowered portulaca, borrowed from inland gardens, and yet so in keeping with its surroundings as to seem a native flower of sea sands. The fleshy leaves at a little distance suggest the form of many plants of brackish marsh and creek edges, and even the glasswort itself.

With annuals, of course, there are some exceptions to this rule, in the case of sweet peas, nasturtiums, mignonette, portulaca, poppies, and the like, where great quantities are massed. Before beginning, make a list of your seeds, with the heights marked against each, and put the tallest at the top of the bed. "Why bother with this, when they are to be transplanted as soon as they are fist up?"

By the house a late pear-tree was in blossom, and the sunshine, falling obliquely across it, awoke a white fire in its branches, as if piles of new fallen snow had warmed suddenly to a reflected flame. Beneath it Sarah Revercomb was sowing portulaca seeds in a rockery she had made over a decaying stump.

Near the sycamore, where an old oak had fallen, the rotting stump was hidden by a high "rockery," edged with conch shells, and over the rough gray rocks a tangle of garden flowers ran wild sweet-william, petunias, phlox, and the mossy stems of red and yellow portulaca.

There were many other interesting plants growing about, but the afternoon turning out wet, I left their examination to stand over till finer weather. Growing on the beach was a species of Portulaca, a quantity of the young shoots of which I collected, and we partook of them at our supper, boiled as a vegetable.

I didn't care much for my playhouse since I had seen one so much finer that Laddie had made for the Princess. Of course I knew moss wouldn't take root in our orchard as it did in the woods, neither would willow cuttings or the red flowers. Finally, I decided to go hunting. I went into the garden and gathered every ripe touch-me-not pod I could find, and all the portulaca.

Big bears, and little bears, and middle-sized bears; single and double, and every one of them a joy to look upon!" "Put down poppies two or three times," laughed Helen in answer to her grandfather's enthusiasm. "And while we're on the letter 'P' in the seed catalogue," added Mr. Emerson, "order a few packages of single portulaca.

Vegetables are brought to Djidda from Wady Fatme, six or eight miles distant to the north, which also supplies Mekka. The usual kinds are Meloukhye, Bamye, Portulaca egg-plants, or Badingans, cucumbers, and very small turnips, of which the leaves are eaten, and the root is thrown away as useless.

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