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While I was descending a perpendicular ladder to a small boat, some one abruptly asked if that lot of baggage had been cleared at the custom house. Think of walking through a custom house with my portable property! Happily the question did not come from an official. It required at least an hour to get everything in readiness after we were on board.

Superintendent Galloway laughed shortly at his grim joke and walked away to supervise the preparations for the inquest. The coroner presently arrived from Heathfield in a small runabout motor-car which he drove himself, with a tall man sitting beside him, and a short pursy young man in the back seat nursing a portable typewriter and an attaché case on his knees.

Lying on a stone by the fire were three of the shiniest black revolvers any one could want. I eyed Tish and she explained. "Stove polish," she said. "Like a fool I'd forgot it. Gives a true metallic luster, as it says on the box." Tish is very particular about a stove, and even on our camping-trips we keep the portable stove shining and clean. "Does it come off?"

The animals were tied to the carts, and the cooking utensils placed by the side, of the brushwood brought from a distance; a portable forge was established; and this colony, which seemed as though it had risen from the ground as by a miracle, was soon busily employed, while the anvil resounded with the blows which were fashioning horses' shoes and repairing wheels.

For the picturesque figure of Charlton and his portable museum was too much for her gravity, and as the French ladies of two centuries ago used to say, she "lost her serious." Guessing the cause of her merriment, Charlton lifted his hat off his head, held it up, and laughed with her. "Well, Miss Minorkey, no wonder you laugh. This is a queer hat-buggery and dangling grasshoppery."

The engines are exceedingly portable; they can be turned about or placed for service in as contracted a space as any hand engine, and two good horses will draw a first-class engine with the greatest ease, carrying at the same time water for the boiler, a supply of fuel sufficient to run the engine two hours, the driver, the engineer, and the fireman.

In the same way we removed the most portable of the agricultural implements, bed and bedding, cots, and hammocks, furniture, the framework of a house, preserved provisions of all kinds, a medicine chest, boxes of books, crates of china and glass, all sorts of useful tools, and domestic utensils; in short, in the course of the next two or three weeks, by repeated journeys, we filled every available place we could find with what we had managed to rescue.

STEAM FIRE ENGINES. Portable engines for the extinguishment of fires, are an American invention, and to Messrs. A.B. & E. Latta, of Cincinnati, working on the right principles, is due the credit which they claim in their circular, as follows: "We claim to be the original and first projectors of the first successful steam fire engine in the world's history.

It must be remembered that everything, troops, guns and supplies must eventually be landed on open coasts. Portable flat-bottom boats and building materials for piers must therefore be carried on the transports. Special vessels must accompany the transport fleet with large reserve supplies of food, equipment, ammunition, coal and so forth. A cable-laying ship is also required.

He had obviously been expecting the visitors, because he and his lesser nobles were lined up before the pavilion, the Greatest Noble ensconced on a sort of portable throne. He managed to look perfectly calm and somewhat bored by the whole affair, and didn't seem to be particularly effected at all when Lieutenant commander Hernan bowed low before him and requested his presence in the city.