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Updated: August 10, 2024

For I wanted to live in the very heart of the big port's confusion, to grapple alone with the chaos out of which Dillon's engineers were striving to bring order. Here I lived for weeks by myself, taking my meals in a barroom below. There were no stately liners here. The North River piers with their rich life had been like a show room. I had come down into the factory now.

Port's trying situation were that his duties as a guardian did not begin at all until his very unnecessary ward was nearly nineteen years old; and did not begin actively his ward having elected to remain in France for a season, under the mild direction of the elderly cousin who had been her mother's travelling companion until she was almost twenty. When she was one-and-twenty, as Mr.

"No; we ain't never seen dat craft yere. Dis port's more for lumber and " Mr. Heatherbloom looked down. "I saw an item in the paper" he strove to speak unconcernedly "a Marconigram that a certain Russian prince's private yacht the Nevski had damaged her propeller, or some other part of her gear, and was being towed into this harbor for emergency repairs." "Oh, yes, boss!" said the man.

Port's mental processes prevented him from perceiving, as a shrewder person would have perceived, that Dorothy was not the sort of young woman to engage in an enterprise of this nature without first fully counting the cost.

Port's breast as he listened to this extraordinary declaration and appeal. At first he felt a lively anger at Dorothy for having, as he coarsely phrased it in his own mind, so successfully gammoned Mr.

I could distinguish with reasonable clarity the overall effect of its buildings, the ships made fast along its wharves, and those bigger vessels whose draft of water required them to drop anchor at the port's offshore mooring. The sun, fairly low on the horizon, struck full force on the houses in this town, accenting their whiteness.

And I've no doubt they're right. But all that matters nothin' to me. You're engaged to be married to me; you know it yourself; and everybody knows it; and what you've got to do is to marry, or pay. You hear what I say, and you know what I'm goin' to stick to." It may be well for Captain Asher's reputation that he had no opportunity to answer Miss Port's remarks. At that instant Mr.

At that instant it might have been supposed that a certain dumpling which has been mentioned was made of very red apples and that its covering of dough was somewhat thin in certain places. Miss Port's eyes were bent for an instant upon the floor. "That is a thing," she said, "which would need a great deal of consideration."

Port's staid, deliberate temperament this rapid outlining of a year of foreign travel, and this prompt assumption that the outline was to be immediately filled in and made a reality, was upsetting.

It was a most moral port, too; too moral for some people, who thought to put a little life into the place by making nightly calls there, and made the nightly calls till a local clergyman protested from the altar, whereupon some muscular young Christians ran the visitors back aboard their train and out of the port's history.

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