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Updated: August 12, 2024

In quem illud elogium: hunc unum plurimae consentiunt gentes populi primarium fuisse virum. Notum est totum carmen incisum in sepulcro. Iure igitur gravis, cuius de laudibus omnium esset fama consentiens. Quem virum nuper P. Crassum, pontificem maximum, quem postea M. Lepidum eodem sacerdotio praeditum vidimus! Quid de Paulo aut Africano loquar, aut, ut iam ante, de Maximo?

On the middle space is printed the words "Eligo in Summum Pontificem R'um D'um meum Dom. Card.," leaving only the name of the person chosen to be filled in.

He was near enough to the choir to hear the collect being read on the other side of the screen: "Deus qui beatum Nicolaum pontificem innumeris decorasti miraculis: tribue quaesumus ut ejus mentis, et precibus, a gehennae incendiis liberemur, per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum. Amen." "Amen," he said in the shadow of his pillar.

Wherefore that master, in addition to the inscription in his praise that may still be seen on those works, won the honour of being celebrated by Sannazzaro, a rare poet, in this most beautiful distich: Jocundus geminum imposuit tibi, Sequana, pontem; Hunc tu jure potes dicere pontificem.

State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 520. Hoc dico quod video inter regem et pontificem conjunctissime et amicissime hic agi. Vannes to Cromwell: Ibid. Vannes to Cromwell: State Papers, Vol. VII. pp. 522-3. Burnet, Collectanea, p. 436. Letter of the King of France: Legrand, Vol. III. Reply of Henry: Foxe, Vol. V. p. 110. Commission of the Bishop of Paris: Legrand, Vol. III.; Burnet, Vol.

I say, when his skeleton is put in the Museum properly labelled, it shall be labelled not Homo Sapiens, but Homo Pontifex; hence also the anthem, or rather the choral response, "Pontificem habemus," which is sung so nobly by pontifical great choirs, when pontifications are pontificated, as behooves the court of a Pontiff. By a bridge was man's first worry overcome.

VII. p. 452. State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 457. Sir Gregory Cassalis to the Duke of Norfolk. Ad pontificem accessi, et mei sermonis illa summa fuit, vellet id præstare ut serenissimum regem nostrum certiorem facere possemus, in suâ causâ nihil innovatum iri. Hic ille, sicut solet, respondit, nescire se quo pacto possit Cæsarianis obsistere. State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 461.

Ecclesia orientalis ad Symmachum episcopum Romanum. Mansi, viii. 221-6. In qua fortitudinem Ecclesiæ suæ constituit. Epistola Anastasii ad Hormesdam pontificem. Mansi, viii. 384. Mansi, viii. 389-393. Photius, i. 143-5, translated. Ep. x. ad Avitum Viennensem. Mansi, viii. 410. Theophanes, p. 248. Mansi, viii. 425. German Röhrbacher, viii. 532, book 43, 81, mostly followed. Mansi, viii. 435.

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