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I only fear," he added, with a pleasant glance at Mrs. Leland, "that I may be offering to take upon myself a duty which is much to the taste of one of my brothers-in-law and might be better performed by one or both of them. "No, captain," replied Mrs.

I should never dream of feeling in that way to Grandmamma: and even Father, though it is pleasant to rely on his strength and kindness, when one wants something done beyond one's own strength, yet he is not restful to lean on in the same way that she is. Is she so safe to hold by, because she holds by God?

"That's what she always said," exclaimed Grandma Johnson; "that the pleasant things come to the people who are looking for pleasant things but, land! see what's happened to her and if anyone ever looked for pleasantness it was Mary Rose. Why she even looked for it in us!" And she laughed harshly. "And she found it, too," Mrs. Schuneman declared quickly. "Yes, she did.

DEAR LEMUEL:” she wrote:— “I am coming home. I wonder if you will be glad? “It is very delightful in New York and I have been having a gay time since I came, and everybody has been most pleasant, but— “’Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Still, be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.

I think that you are good, and honest, and true; and therefore I like to see your face and hear your voice though it is not often that you say very pleasant things to me. 'Do I say unpleasant things? 'I am not going to quarrel with you not if I can help it. What business has Mr Belton to go about London making inquiries as to me? What have I done to him, that he should honour me so far?

The Via Roma stretches up the hill, and descends in an almost unbroken line to the valleys beneath the mountains, and is remarkably clean and pleasant. On either side are houses of stone, with overhanging roofs. In the Via Carlo Felice is the Via Carlo Felice Theatre, the third largest in Italy.

The petitions, eloquent and brief in his northern tongue, rose above the throbbing of the roost outside, and died away into a prayerful silence; and then, in the pleasant nicker of the firelight, they parted till the morrow. Estein and the hermit stepped out into the cool night. "They who visit the Holy Isle must rest content with hard pillows," said Andreas.

Cutler, by appointment, and with him in his coach and four horses over London Bridge to Kingston, a very pleasant journey, and at Hampton Court by nine o'clock, and in our way very good and various discourse, as he is a man, that though I think he be a knave, as the world thinks him, yet a man of great experience and worthy to be heard discourse.

When we assured him that we had not lost more than forty he laughed heartily, and said, we meant forty hundred, for they had lost more than that. We spent a pleasant hour with this fat governor, who, after we had looked round the fort, had the politeness to parade his regiment for our inspection. I never saw a finer body of men in my life.

To have such a home in Texas were like a sojourn in that pleasant paradise where our primal parents first tasted terrestrial delights.