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Not only in relation to his electric light and power inventions has the progress of Edison and his associates been attended by legal controversy all through the years of their exploitation, but also in respect to other inventions, notably those relating to the phonograph and to motion pictures.

The other pilots were gathering in the messroom, where a fire was going. Some one started the phonograph. Fritz Kreisler was playing the "Chansons sans Paroles." This was followed by a song, "Oh, movin' man, don't take ma baby grand."

"Us!" Stover gazed at her solemnly. "We ain't none of us been the same since that foot-race. You see, it ain't the financial value of that Echo Phonograph, nor the 'double-cross' that hurts: it's the fact that the mangiest outfit in the Territory has trimmed us out of the one thing that stands for honor and excellence and 'scientific attainment, as the judge said when we won it.

"With tumulchous joy we bet our wages and all the loose gear we have, and in a burst of childish enthusiasm we put up the talking-machine." "A phonograph?" "Yes. An Echo Phonograph," said Miss Chapin. "Of New York and Paris," added Stover. "Our boys won it from this very Centipede outfit at a bronco- busting tournament in Cheyenne." "Wyoming." Stover made the location definite.

It features a unique approach and technique. I have had a great deal of correspondence with those who have used these phonograph records and the hypnotic tape for conditioning themselves for self-hypnosis. The results are quite interesting and run the range of immediate results to no results.

"I'll shut her right in," he said aloud in the empty, echoing kitchen. He decided to touch nothing within. In the sitting room the swift obscurity of the closing shutters obliterated its familiar features the table with the lamp and pink celluloid thimble, the phonograph, the faded photograph of what had been Mrs. Hollidew.

It fell to my own lot, a few years afterwards, to publish the first account of the phonograph in this country, and I remember that, between incredulity on the one hand, and perhaps lack of scientific interest on the other, a considerable time elapsed before the public at large were really impressed by the invention.

All the chairs in the house had been set about the walls, and all were occupied. A disk on the phonograph was duly revolving, in charge of a hysterical girl in blue silk and a flushed, humorous young man, but the music was almost unheard. Whatever their attitude toward this merrymaking had previously been, the Monroe girls were instantly drawn into the spirit of the occasion.

All this, besides the regular uses of the hut, which included a library, piano, phonograph, games, magazines, pies, doughnuts and coffee; the pie line being followed by a regular Salvation Army meeting where men raised their hands to be prayed for, and many found Christ as their Saviour. It was in an old French barracks that they located the Salvation Army canteen in Treveray.

The object of the above list is simply to show how nearly one can obtain the sound of the word phonetically by the phonograph. It is thought to illustrate a possible use of this instrument. Vocabularies of Passamaquoddy words have been published, but as a general thing they are very incomplete.