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Give me Magdalen, with all her perversities; I can see daylight through her. You're as dark as night." The hours of the afternoon passed away, and still Magdalen remained shut up in her own room.

Rita should be made happy in spite of all her little perversities and Southern prejudices, and yet the hands that guided and helped her should not be seen. The captain soon abandoned his siege tactics, in which he was ill at ease, and resumed his old habit of impetuous advances in which Graham had trained him. Time was growing short. His visit and hers would soon be over.

Beebe and Lucy had always known to exist in him came out suddenly, like sunlight touching a vast landscape a touch of the morning sun? She remembered that in all his perversities he had never spoken against affection. Miss Bartlett approached. "You know our cousin, Miss Bartlett," said Mrs. Honeychurch pleasantly. "You met her with my daughter in Florence."

Quite frequently a refusal to urinate is met with so that catheterization is necessary, or a patient may never use the toilet when led to it, but will defecate or urinate so soon as he leaves it. These latter, like some other perversities, suggest reactions of a petulant, spoiled child.

And more than this, she saw that in her husband's nature hidden deep down under the perversities that bewildered and estranged her, there was a sense of these things, of the sanctity of their life. She saw what they might have made of it together; what she had actually made of it, and of herself and him.

The day of the wedding was set for the first week in June. During this time Laura was never more changeable, more puzzling. Her vivacity seemed suddenly to have been trebled, but it was invaded frequently by strange reactions and perversities that drove her friends and family to distraction. About a week after her talk with Mrs. It was a Monday morning.

He was, at least nowadays, never severe nor denunciatory; but sometimes in telling an anecdote he dropped such an expression as "the rascal said to me" or such an epithet as "the vulgar dog." Nick was always struck with the rare simplicity it came out in his countenance of one who had lived so long and seen so much of affairs that draw forth the passions and perversities of men.

Take them all away, and there remained Barry Briscoe, and for him she did not care nothing. It was the oddest friendship, thought Neville, observing how, when Barry was there, all Nan's perversities and moods fell away, leaving her as agreeable as he.

The one is the source of a thousand virtues; the other is that of nearly all vices and all perversities. There is a kind of pride in which are included all the commandments of God; and a kind of vanity which contains the seven mortal sins."

For a mere hunter after hidden or forgotten singularities; a lover on their own account of all strange perversities and freaks of nature, whether in action, taste, or opinion; for a collector and amateur of misgrowths and abortions; for a Suetonius, in short, it may be quite enough to state and to arrange his cabinet of specimens from the marvellous in human nature.