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Updated: August 7, 2024

Leighton insisted. Lyons, who had been toying with a small metal paperweight, rapped on the table with it. "Gentlemen," he interrupted. "We're trying to cover too many subjects at once. I suggest that we confine ourselves, at the beginning, to the question of the dismissal of these men, Burris and Koffler.

David I'd give my chances of Heaven to be hidden behind the door." "So would I," said Carroll wryly. "Above all things," counseled Leverage with mock severity: "Don't you go making love to her." Carroll reached a muscular hand across the table. His sinewy fingers closed around a glass paperweight. He held this poised steadily. "One more crack out of you, Eric, and I'll slam this against your head.

At last his face grew calm and settled in its expression, his mouth wore a sardonic smile; he came and took the letter, and, folding it leisurely, laid it on the table, and put a heavy paperweight over it, as if to hold it down and bury it.

The nearest object chanced to be a crystal globe in which was set a tiny French clock one of those library ornaments serving as timepiece and paperweight over this his hand closed; he moved toward her. "Put that down," she cried. He did not pause. "Put it " She wrenched at the table drawer and fumbled for something. Hammon uttered a bellow and leaped at her.

Bribes he leaves under your own paperweight on your table; in short, it is quite plain that he prefers to cling to you. Then something severe, something unusual must be done. What! surely you will not have him collared by a constable, and commit his innocent pallor to the common jail? And upon what ground could you procure such a thing to be done? a vagrant, is he?

"So you see, Ernst, that's the problem." Leonard Kellogg laid the words like a paperweight on the other words he had been saying, and waited. Ernst Mallin sat motionless, his elbows on the desk and his chin in his hands. A little pair of wrinkles, like parentheses, appeared at the corners of his mouth. "Yes. I'm not a lawyer, of course, but...." "It's not a legal question.

Ken hastened to explain that it was no desire of his; that, although he had studied hard and had not missed many lectures, he knew he was unprepared. Then he went on to tell about the baseball situation and why he had been sent up. "Um-m." The professor held a glass paperweight up before Ken and asked a question about it.

The colonel banged the flat of his hand on the ledge outside the wicket. "It isn't an elephant this time, Mac Tavish. It's a United States Senator. Act on my orders, or into the mill I go, myself!" The old man slid down from the stool, a paperweight in each hand. "Only o'er my dead body will ye tell him in yer mortal flesh.

"'S got to overcome the resistance of the atmosphere." "How about that paperweight?" "'S too heavy." "Well " "I know!" exclaimed William suddenly. "Gimme that little bottle of red ink. 'S just about right. And when it strikes it'll make a mark so's we can tell where we hit like a regular target." Scraggs hesitated. "Ink costs money," he protested. "But it's just the thing!" insisted Willie.

Scratching his chin, he grinned, for he was the kind who bears disappointment with a grin, and sat himself down at the big library table in the centre of the room. Carefully selecting a pen-point, he wrote: "It will be quite obvious to you that I called unexpectedly to-night. The week was up, you see. I take the liberty of leaving under the paperweight at my elbow a two dollar bill.

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