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Surprised, out-numbered, and poorly armed, they had been quickly cut down as they reached the court-yard, and active resistance to the invaders was at an end. Now the attack was turned directly upon the entrance to the Great House, and Sir Gavan, with his handful of followers, waited on the threshold for the inevitable issue.

We could never have accomplished this had not our enemies been so engrossed with the fight between Jack and their chief that they had failed to observe us until we were upon them. They still out-numbered our party by three, but we were flushed with victory while they were taken by surprise and dispirited by the fall of their chief.

Thus concluded the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two. Next campaign was chiefly confined to the neighbourhood of Trichinopoly, where major Laurence made several vigorous attacks upon the enemy's army, and obtained many advantages; which, however, did not prove decisive, because he was so much out-numbered that he could never follow his blow.

But in the midst of their repast Grimoald suddenly returned, and, falling upon them impetuously, put most of them to the sword. The Avars had invaded Lombardy, with an army which far out-numbered the troops which Grimoald could muster against them.

The Slogger had come to get him and Dave Chatwourth was behind there, too the whole district was dominated by their gang; but the times would change and with inrush of other men the jumpers would soon be out-numbered. It was better then to wait, to let the excitement die down and law and order return; and then, with a deputy sheriff at his back, he could eject them by due process of law.

But our comrades are evidently out-numbered and being worsted. We must spring our attack to save them. Oh, those bugles! Who ever heard of a half mile charge? And such a melee. Firing and yelling and tooting like ten thousand the main party goes in.

But if it could be conveyed to the Grand Duke he would have Erzerum in his power in a day. Otherwise he would go on battering at the Deve Boyun ridge for weeks, and long ere he won it the Gallipoli divisions would arrive, he would be out-numbered by two to one, and his chance would have vanished. My discovery set me pacing up and down that cellar in a perfect fever of excitement.

A bloody trail they made, which many rains did not wash clean. Back to the war in the spring of 1813, Tecumseh brought into camp six hundred fresh warriors from the Wabash. Now two thousand fighting men obeyed his orders alone. His command frequently out-numbered the British command.

The diversion in the rear came at the opportune moment. The Doomsmen had so far greatly out-numbered the Stockaders, and the latter were being forced back into the vaulted passage, thereby blocking it against the main body of their comrades.

Heaven help ye, good Master Robin, to answer a poor widow's prayers!" Then Robin Hood sped straightway to the forest-camp, where he heard the details of the skirmish how that his men had been out-numbered five to one, but got off safely, as they thought, until a count of their members had shown the loss of the widow's three sons.