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Valerie, surrounded by these bigwigs and the three artists, and supported by Lisbeth, struck Wenceslas as a really superior woman, all the more so because Claude Vignon spoke of her like a man in love. "She is Madame de Maintenon in Ninon's petticoats!" said the veteran critic.

Villiers de L'Isle Adam, who had once been Ninon's lover, answered the reproaches levelled against him for having accepted too largely of her hospitality with, "Que de bruit pour quelques cotelettes!" and his transgressions were forgiven him for the sake of the mot which seemed to summarise the moral endeavour and difficulties of the entire quarter.

I have had proof of this on various occasions, and I have made no error. The pretended amours of Mademoiselle d'Aubigne and the Marquis de Villarceaux, Ninon's friend, are an invention of malicious envy.

The daily and nightly doings at Ninon's house in the Rue des Tournelles, if there is anything of a similar character in modern society that can be compared to them, might be faintly represented by our Bohemian circles, where good cheer, good fellowship, and freedom from restraint are supposed to reign.

Valerie, surrounded by these bigwigs and the three artists, and supported by Lisbeth, struck Wenceslas as a really superior woman, all the more so because Claude Vignon spoke of her like a man in love. "She is Madame de Maintenon in Ninon's petticoats!" said the veteran critic.

This beginning of Ninon's departure from the beaten path should not be a matter of surprise, for all the young open their hearts to ideas that spring from the sentiments and passions, and anticipate in imagination the parts they are to play in the tragedy or comedy of life. It is this period of life which the moralist and educator justly contend should be carefully guarded.

Then the Duke began to make sneering remarks which roused the dancer's anger. "Pray, what flag are you fighting under, and what body do you command?" asked Monseigneur with a sarcastic smile. Quick as a flash came the answer which gave the Duke an inkling into the situation. "Je commande un corps vous servez depuis longtemps," replied Pécour. Ninon's Lovers Continued

But still, after a time, even this grew tiresome to one of Ninon's spirit, and she took the first opportunity to sail up the Missouri with a certain young trapper connected with the great fur company, and so found herself at Cainsville, with the blue bluffs rising to the east of her, and the low white stretches of the river flats undulating down to where the sluggish stream wound its way southward capriciously.

It is alleged by Voltaire and repeated by Cardinal de Retz, that the early bloom of Ninon's charms was enjoyed by Richelieu, but if this be true, it is more than likely that Ninon submitted through policy and not from any affection for the great Cardinal.

This communication, though anonymous, is none the less benevolent. I desire your peace and your happiness. Madame de Maintenon at Loggerheads with Madame de Thianges. The Mint of the D'Aubigne Family. Creme de Negresse, the Elixir of Long Life. Ninon's Secret for Beauty. The King Would Remain Young or Become So. Good-will of Madame de Maintenon.