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But Sitta Nefysseh is unapproachable, virtue attends her in all her ways, modesty and dignity are everywhere her companions. No one dares approach her chaste reputation with even a breath of reproach. Youssouf steps into the inner court-yard; he lays his hand on his brown beard and strokes its curly locks. "Be a man," murmur his lips. "Be resolute. Alas!

"Do this at your peril!" cried Mustapha. "O cadi, the viceroy is resolute and defies us with his troops. Let me at least make an attempt to settle the matter peaceably." "Let him do so," cried the others. At last, the cadi consented to wait until the oualy should have seen the viceroy. "If he liberates Sitta Nefysseh, and allows you to conduct her through the streets, will you be satisfied?"

She looked at him composedly, and remained standing at the door with so proud and dignified a bearing, such majesty in her whole appearance, that Cousrouf's insolence could not but succumb. He arose and advanced to meet her. "I salute you, Sitta Nefysseh, widow of Mourad Bey!" "I do not return your salutation.

They will not be able to recognize in me the kachef of Bardissi and of Sitta Nefysseh." And he was right. He was not recognized.

Poor Youssouf, you will then be shut out from our ranks, for Sitta Nefysseh no longer sends her Mamelukes with us to battle; she now uses them for her service only, and I am certain she would be well pleased if her kachef Youssouf, as it becomes him, draws his sword to win laurels in the field. You can make something great of yourself.

"It is true, Osman Bey," said Nefysseh, with a low sigh; "time heals all wounds, and sorrow no longer darkens my soul; yet know that Mourad Bey still lives in my heart, and it is because he still lives for me that I am able to bear this life and this separation."

This is Nefysseh's victory over death, this is the result of the impassioned kiss impressed on the lips of her beloved. "And is it possible, Nefysseh, you are indeed with me, and my dreams of love and bliss are realized? You with me! What can have happened? Why this wondrous change?"

"With you, O Sitta Nefysseh!" said L'Elfi, falling on his knee before her, "With you, whom I adore as one adores the sun and the stars. For your love, I can tolerate no rival! And now I beg you to withdraw, Osman Bey; I have that to say to Sitta Nefysseh which no other should hear." Osman regarded him fiercely.

Bardissi trembles! the hero, who amid the din of battle joyously confronts the death-dealing cannon, who never trembles, though face to face with a whole forest of spears Bardissi trembles and turns pale! Sitta Nefysseh sees it, and her smile brightens. "Why do you hesitate to approach, Osman? and what have you to say to me, friend of my husband, Mourad Bey?"

She remained still, endeavoring to recover her composure. The women came nearer. "Mistress, some one is here who wishes to speak with Sitta Nefysseh." "Well, what is it that alarms you so?" said she, raising her head slightly, and looking at them. "Who is it that wishes to speak with me?" "O mistress," murmured one of them, "it is the cadi with four of the police."