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Lameness is the primary indicator and a constant symptom which attends navicular disease wherever much structural change affects the infirm parts. As the degree of intensity or extent varies, so is there a dissimilarity in the character of the impediment.

If, on the other hand, the puncture extends into the navicular bursa, the radical operation is perhaps indicated, though not until one is sure that infection of the bursa and serious consequences are to follow if this operation is not performed.

All things considered, perhaps open joints rank, with respect to being serious cases as follows: elbow, navicular, stifle, tarsus, carpus, fetlock and pastern. This, of course, is restricted to articulations of the locomotory apparatus. Treatment.

The superior face shows two shallow cavities, and the inferior two convex surfaces separated by a median groove. The latter face articulates with the third and navicular bones. The popular name for this articulation is the coffin joint. THE THIRD OR DISTAL DIGITAL BONE may be compared to a cone that has been cut away posteriorly, obliquely downwards and backwards.

Open navicular joint does not occur, as a rule, except by way of the solar surface of the foot, and the introduction of active and virulent contagium is certain to happen; consequently, an acute synovitis quickly resulting in an intensely septic and progressively destructive arthritis soon follows in perforation of the capsule of the distal interphalangeal articulation. Etiology and Occurrence.

The superior face shows two shallow cavities that are completed posteriorly by the superior face of the coffin or navicular bone. The anterior face is convex and cribbled by openings, and the inferior face is concave, forming the sole. Tendons belonging to the digital muscles terminate on the summit and inferior face of this bone.

Corns may accompany the contraction. The foot may feel feverish. The animal may manifest the pain in the feet when standing at rest by pointing and changing their position. When lameness is present, it may resemble that occurring in inflammation of lateral cartilages and navicular disease. Preventive treatment is of the greatest importance.

In the fore legs, navicular disease is differentiated by noting absence of contraction at the heel. By use of the hoof testers one may recognize evidence of inflammation of the navicular apparatus. In inflammation of the posterior ligaments of the pastern joint, there is also absence of the characteristic stumbling which is seen in navicular disease. Treatment.

"Pointing" affords a comfortable position in some cases of navicular disease, and in a unilateral affection, one may observe the subject bearing weight with one sound member, while the affected foot is planted well ahead of the sound one.

A two-year-old brown gelding with a wire-cut on the left front foot. The wound extended down through the sole and opened the navicular joint. This colt was very wild and it was necessary to tie it down each time the wound was dressed. The wound was dressed weekly for a month and less frequently thereafter. It was handled eight times; the last dressing was left in place until worn out.