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We should not use animals having faulty conformation of the feet for breeding, because the offspring of such individuals have an inherent tendency toward navicular and other foot diseases.

Its inferior face is moulded to the frog. THE BONY CORE formed by the last bone of the digit and the coffin bone was described briefly with the other foot bones. A very important bursa, because it is so frequently inflamed in coffin-joint lameness, facilitates the gliding of the flexor tendon over the navicular bone before it becomes attached to the inferior face of the pedal or digital bone.

The hulls, navicular in form and having a flat bottom, are constructed of one-tenth inch iron plate and 40x40 angle iron. Their dimensions are: Length, 33 feet; breadth, 31/4 feet; and depth, 5 feet. The internal distance between the two shells is 71/4 feet.

The causes of contraction of the foot may be classed as predisposing, secondary and exciting. It may accompany chronic diseases of the foot, such as navicular disease and side-bones. Weak heels is the principal predisposing factor. Any condition that tends to prevent the hoof from taking up moisture, or causes it to lose moisture, may cause the horn to lose flexibility and contract.

The insensitive foot or hoof is divided into wall, sole, frog and bars. The sensitive foot is divided into vascular tissue and elastic apparatus. The vascular tissue is in turn divided into coronary cushion, laminae and velvety tissue. The elastic apparatus is divided into plantar cushion and fibro-cartilages. The bony core is formed by the navicular and third digital bones.

There is a tendency for the subject to stumble and, of course, where the affection is bilateral, there is a stilted gait owing to shortened strides. At rest the lame animal usually points with the affected member. Pressure on the navicular bone is diminished and tension on the flexor tendon is relieved by even slight volar flexion.

This is seen in certain septic inflammations of the feet such as those caused by nail punctures invading the navicular joint, or in newly made wounds where nerves have been divided and the proximal end of such a nerve is exposed to pressure or irritation.

This wound was cleansed in the usual manner and the owner cared for the case the balance of the time because the distance from my office was too great to give her personal attention. She made an almost complete recovery in five months. Case 10. At two-year-old mule with an open navicular joint due to a barbed wire wound.

Subjects which continue somewhat lame, because of complete ossification of both cartilages, are best put to slow work on soft ground and not driven on pavements. Navicular Disease. This more or less ambiguous term has been applied to various diseases affecting the structures which make up the coffin joint. Etiology and Occurrence.

There occurs more or less contraction of the hoof in navicular disease, but this is not to be taken as a cause of the affection, but rather a sequence. In some cases of unilateral navicular disease there is a marked contrast in size between the sound and unsound foot.