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Erat autem satis formosus, et valens, et vltra modum in verbis et factis maturus, et principalis, et satis diligebatur a suis, magis tamen metuebatur, et erat epilepticus, nemine tamen sciente.

CONTINGIT: see n. on 8. EXSTINGUITUR: there is the same contrast between opprimere and exstinguere in Lael. 78. QUASI ... EVELLUNTUR: it is rare to find in Cic. or the other prose writers of the best period a verb in the indicative mood immediately dependent on quasi, in the sense of sicut or quem ad modum.

Obligantur, i.e. obligatos esse putant. Forma passiva ad modum medii verbi Graeci. Guen. Cf. note, 20: miscentur. Victus comis. The mode of life between host and guest is courteous. For victus==manner of life, cf. Cic. Inv. 1, 25, 35. XXII. E is not exactly equivalent here to a, nor does it mean simply after, but immediately on awaking out of sleep.

It was before the opening of the Drammen Railway, and it was a dreadfully long carriole drive from Christiania to Drammen. But everything depended upon getting off hyp getting to Drammen hyp, hyp in time to catch the train which left for Modum at two o'clock. Hyp oh, dear, if the train should be gone to wait until next day alone in Drammen!

An potest cupiditas finiri? tollenda est, atque extrahenda radicitus. Quis est enim, in quo sit cupiditas, quin recte cupidus dici possit? Ergo et avarus erit, sed finite: adulter, verum habebit modum: et luxuriosus eodem modo.

For vehementius quam cautius, which is the regular Latin construction. T. uses both. Cf. Z. 690, and note, His. 1, 83. Mox. In T. subsequently, not presently. Retinuitque modum.

'Works, vi. p. lvi. 'Works, vi. 592. 'Works, iii. 155. Recipitur in modum recipientis. John Hill Burton's 'History of Scotland, iii. 339. He adds, 'There certainly is in the English language no other parallel to it in the clearness, vigour, and picturesqueness with which it renders the history of a stirring period.

Jam secura suas foveant praecordia flammas, Quem Natura negat, dat Medicina modum. Nec solum faciles compescit sanguinis aestus, Dum dubia est inter spemque metumque salus; Sed fatale malum domuit, quodque astra malignum Credimus, iratam vel genuisse Stygem. Extorsit Lachesi cultros, Pestique venenum Abstulit, et tantos non sinit esse metus.

That it is not a tax upon luxury cannot be inferred from the indigence of those whom it is intended to reform; for luxury is, my lords, ad modum possidentis, of different kinds, in proportion to different conditions of life, and one man may very decently enjoy those delicacies or pleasures to which it would be foolish and criminal in another to aspire.

His works include Mirum in Modum, Microcosmus , and The Picture of a Happy Man . Wit's Bedlam , and many epigrams on his contemporaries which have some historical interest. Lawyer and poet, s. of a lawyer at Westbury, Wiltshire, was ed. at Winchester and Oxf., and became a barrister of the Middle Temple, 1595.