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They took in all men; they were equally open to enemies and to friends, to mockers and to sympathisers. Think of the variety of the gifts which He brought in His ministry caring for body and for soul; alleviating sorrow, binding up wounds, purifying hearts; dealing with sin, the fountain, and with miseries, its waters, with equal helpfulness and equal love.

When Cervantes relented over Don Quixote, and Dickens relented over Pickwick, they did not become impartial: they simply changed sides, and became friends and apologists where they had formerly been mockers. In Lever's story there is a real change of attitude.

"Yea; mockers and scorners are Godwin and his lewd sons," answered the monk. And all three sighed and scowled, as the door closed on the hostess and her stately guest. Two tall and not ungraceful lamps lighted the same chamber in which Hilda was first presented to the reader. The handmaids were still at their spindles, and the white web nimbly shot as the mistress entered.

To prevent them from paying him in his own coin, he married a wife from a place where any one finds what he wants for his money: "Good morrow, strumpet"; "Good morrow, cuckold"; and there was not anything wherewith he more commonly and openly entertained those who came to see him than with this design of his, by which he stopped the private chattering of mockers, and blunted all the point from this reproach.

Unless, perhaps you'll say, men had better converse with fierce lions, merciless tigers, and furious leopards. For that flattery is the most pernicious of all things, by means of which some treacherous persons and mockers have run the credulous into such mischief.

Some fool sent out a gamin dressed in regimentals in front of one of the bands, and then " "Enough, General," said Valmond; "I understand. I will go down into the village eh, monsieur?" he added, turning to Parpon with impressive consideration. "Sire, there is one behind these mockers," answered the little man in a low voice. Valmond turned towards Madame Chalice.

Woe betide the valley residents if they showed irreverence, for then the clouds were black and heavy, and through them she poured floods of rain and launched the lightnings, causing disastrous freshets in the streams and blasting the wigwams of the mockers.

Her friends in the East whose good wishes, whose respect, she desired? Mockers there would be among them, she was certain; there were mockers everywhere, and she feared their taunts, the shafts of sarcasm that would be launched at her aye, that would strike her when they heard that she had passed a night in a lone cabin with a strange cowboy had been married to him!

"Yea; mockers and scorners are Godwin and his lewd sons," answered the monk. And all three sighed and scowled, as the door closed on the hostess and her stately guest. Two tall and not ungraceful lamps lighted the same chamber in which Hilda was first presented to the reader. The handmaids were still at their spindles, and the white web nimbly shot as the mistress entered.

Mockers don' nes' in de woods and wild places, dey allus keeps roun' de plantations near where folks libs. "He know'd he war doin' wrong and he felt mighty uncomfoh'ble; but he done took de youn' Mockers on our plantation right under massa's nose. He war crafty like and on'y took one outen each nes' and at night de ole birds never miss 'em.