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Updated: August 27, 2024

'That is all right, he said. He knew that the sun was burning through him, and doing him harm, but he wanted the intoxication. As he looked wistfully far away over the sea at Helena's mist-curtain, he said: 'I think we should be able to keep together if' he faltered 'if only I could have you a little longer. I have never had you ...

'There will be an end to this, said Helena, communing with herself. 'And when we come out of the mist-curtain, what will it be? No matter let come what will. All along Fate has been resolving, from the very beginning, resolving obvious discords, gradually, by unfamiliar progression; and out of original combinations weaving wondrous harmonies with our lives.

The dawning of the morning had passed by now in gold and crimson and purple splendor; the mist-curtain had been drawn back by the fingers of the wind, the utter darkness upon everything at ground-level had begun to give way before the sun, and to leeward of most trees and bushes there was a balmy luxuriance of golden light that held one lingering.

She thought of yesterday morning's mist-curtain, thick and blazing gold, so heavy that no wind could sway its fringe. They lay down in the dry grass, upon the gold bits of bird's-foot trefoil of the cliff's edge, and looked out to sea. A warm, drowsy calm drooped over everything. 'Six hours, thought Helena, 'and we shall have passed the mist-curtain. Already it is thinning.

My temperature bounded up several degrees, thanks to these amends, but our sole comfort was in each other, since Joseph had no hope to give. At this moment he parted the mist-curtain to remark that he could find no traces of a path or landmark of any kind. Hours dragged on, and we were still wandering aimlessly, as one wanders in a troubled dream.

But our attention was to be attracted, our surprise, even our alarm, was evoked soon by phenomena still more strange than the mysterious earth form upon which the mist-curtain had been raised so suddenly. I have said that the speed of the Paracuta was gradually increasing; now it was excessive, that of the current remaining inferior to it.

'No, she said, with calm distinctness, a few moments after, when they were climbing the rise to the cliff's edge. 'I can't say that I smell the smoke of London. The mist-curtain is thick yet. There it is' she pointed to the heavy, purple-grey haze that hung like arras on a wall, between the sloping sky and the sea.

'The Mist Spirit draws a curtain round us it is very kind. A heavy gold curtain sometimes; a thin, torn curtain sometimes. I want the Mist Spirit to close the curtain again, I do not want to think of the outside. I am afraid of the outside, and I am afraid when the curtain tears open in rags. I want to be in our own fine world inside the heavy gold mist-curtain.

They had reached the taller timber, and on one bank black firs, climbing the hillside, stood out against the fading light with a gauzy mist-curtain drawn across their higher ranks. The flood slid by, glimmering dimly, smooth and green, and from out of the distance came the throbbing clamor of a rapid. "It's your last look," said Lisle.

He went as he had never gone in his life before, and as he went the mists parted before him and a blinding ray of sunshine came smiting through the gap like the sword of the destroyer. The simile rushed through his mind and out again, even as the grey mist-curtain closed once more. He reached the bungalow.

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