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Updated: August 24, 2024

When we use the word miniature as an art term, it does not mean simply a small picture as it does in ordinary conversation; it means the pictures executed by the hand of an illuminator or miniator of manuscripts, and he is so called from the minium or cinnabar which he used in making colors.

White, with a little lake and blue verditer, make a good cloud colour for that part next the horizon. Crimson. Lake and white, with a little vermilion, shaded with lake and carmine. Flame Colour. Vermilion and orpiment, heightened with white. Another. Gamboge, shaded with minium and red lead. Flesh Colour. Ceruse, red lead, and lake, for a swarthy complexion, and yellow ochre. Another.

I said this the other day to Agricola; he answered me that there were many other fatal employments; those who prepare aquafortis, white lead, or minium, for instance, are sure to take incurable maladies of which they die. "'Do you know, added Agricola, 'what they say when they start for those fatal works? Why, 'We are going to the slaughter-house. "That made me tremble with its terrible truth.

Thirdly, That so much ev'n these Colours depend upon Texture, that in the Glass of Lead it self made of about three parts of Lytharge or Minium Colliquated with one of very finely Powder'd Crystal or Sand, we have taken pleasure to make the mixture pass through differing Colours, as we kept it more or less in the Fusion.

The product of the calcination of equal parts of lead and tin 2 parts, carbonate of soda 1 part, antimonic acid 1 part, rub together, or triturate, and melt. Litharge 18 parts, sand 4 parts, oxide of antimony 2 parts, sienna earth 2 parts; melt. If it is too deep the proportion of sienna earth may be decreased. Chromate of lead 1 part, minium 3 parts.

The sheets, written only on one side, were impregnated on the other with cedar oil to protect them from moths, and the title of the book, the name of the author, and the index, gleamed in letters of minium and gold on the purple outer wrapping.

I said this the other day to Agricola; he answered me that there were many other fatal employments; those who prepare aquafortis, white lead, or minium, for instance, are sure to take incurable maladies of which they die. "'Do you know, added Agricola, 'what they say when they start for those fatal works? Why, 'We are going to the slaughter-house. "That made me tremble with its terrible truth.

Thus we find that not only Crabs-eyes, that are of themselves White, and Pearls that are almost so, but Coral and Minium that are Red, being dissolv'd in Spirit of Vinegar, may be uniformly Præcipitated by Oyl of Tartar into White Powders.

"Something like this," says Maundrell, "we saw actually come to pass; for the water was stained to a surprising redness, and, as we had observed in travelling, had discoloured the sea a great way into a reddish hue, occasioned doubtless by a sort of minium, or red earth, washed into the river by the violence of the rain, and not by any stain from Adonis's blood."

Minium did not add, that he had kept his brother until eleven o'clock the night before, telling him Tip's history, what a boy he had been, how he had changed, how he was struggling upward; and, finally, the whole story of the examination, the failure, the downfall, the public confession; nor how his brother had listened eagerly, and had said, with energy, after the story was finished,

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