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"'None the less, remarks Cherokee Hall, 'while I reckons Enright gives us the c'rrect line on dogs that gets audible that a-way, an' onravels them howls in all their meanin's, I confesses I'm a heap like Boggs about signs. Mebby, as I says prior, it's because I'm a kyard sharp an' allers faces my footure over a faro layout. Anyhow, signs an' omens presses on me.

A tamed child drudge was Goaty, with adenoids, which Mrs. Zapp had been meanin' to have removed, and which she would continue to have benevolent meanin's about till it should be too late, and she should discover that Providence never would let Goaty go to school. "Yes, Mist' Wrenn, Ah told Goaty she was to see the man about getting that chair fixed, but she nev' does nothing Ah tell her."

You talk like I'm a horned toad or somethin', to set folks on the run the minute they clap eyes on me." "Have sense," cautioned Jarrow. "We got a lot to do come sundown. Have sense. I'm the brain's, ain't I?" "So you say, cap'n." "I got my own meanin's. What if this Trask and the girl come down aboard this evenin' to look things over, and they don't like your looks first off?"

She is my own cousin on my own side, called by some a old maid. But she hain't so very old, and she's real good-lookin' better than when she wuz a girl, I think, for life has been cuttin' pure and sweet meanin's into her face, some as they carve beauty into a cameo. But she had a Bo when she wuz a girl by the name of Richard West.

Aunt Emaline Robertson an' Vincent Petty an' Van McCanley started a school in de northeast part of town two years afte' de War. "Emaline was Mr. Ben Robertson's cook, an' her darter, Callie, was his housekeeper, an' George an' Walter was mechanics. George became a school teacher. "Abraham Lincoln worked by 'pinions of de Bible. He got his meanin's from de Bible.

"Look 'ee 'ere, Tummas," said one short, thick-set man, addressing Bainton; "Look 'ee 'ere thy measter baint oop to mark this marnin'! Seemed as if he couldn't find the ways nor the meanin's o' the Lord nohow!" Bainton slowly removed his cap from his head and looked thoughtfully into the lining, as though seeking for inspiration there, before replying.

The fascination of the message on the board still seemed to attract him, for, without heeding the other's words, he glanced over at the seared tree-trunk and nodded at it. "See. Dat ting. It your work. Hah?" "Yes; an' I take it the meanin's clear to you.