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They wandered to countries which neither mercantile avidity nor liberal curiosity had ever impelled any stranger to explore. They were to be found in the garb of Mandarins, superintending the observatory at Pekin. They were to be found, spade in hand, teaching the rudiments of agriculture to the savages of Paraguay.

But not wholly discouraged by the ill success of his tragedy, he tried his hand at a farce, and produced "Mr. To Manning, then sojourning among the Mandarins, he thus writes of "Mr. "Now you'd like to know the subject. The title is 'Mr. H., no more: how simple! how taking! A great H sprawling over the play-bill, and attracting eyes at every corner.

Forthwith, to Griselda's astonishment, they began solemnly to nod. "Oh, how do you make them do that, Aunt Grizzel?" she exclaimed. "Never you mind, my dear; it wouldn't do for you to try to make them nod. They wouldn't like it," replied Miss Grizzel mysteriously. "Respect to your elders, my dear, always remember that. The mandarins are many years older than you older than I myself, in fact."

Having conceived a grudge against the Government, owing to his failure in an examination, Hong gave a political turn to his teaching, which soon developed into a propaganda of rebellion against the rule of the Manchus and the Mandarins. The authorities took fright, attempted to suppress Hong by force, and failed. The movement spread. By 1850 the rebels were overrunning the populous

The art of the iconoclasts tells us the story of their days; it is descriptive, official, eclectic, historical, plutocratic, palatial, and vulgar. Fortunately, its triumph was partial and ephemeral. For art was still too vigorous to be strangled by a pack of cultivated mandarins. In the end the mystics triumphed.

She dreamt that the cuckoo came once more; this time, he told her, to say "good-bye." "For you will not need me now," he said. "I leave you in good hands, Griselda. You have friends now who will understand you friends who will help you both to work and to play. Better friends than the mandarins, or the butterflies, or even than your faithful old cuckoo."

Anson was not apprised of it; this seems to be derived from the Indian superstition,* which for some ages past has made a great progress in China. However, his guests did not entirely fast, for the three mandarins completely finished the white part of four large fowls.

The two became friends, and in conjunction with some mandarins of high rank, levied a system of blackmail upon the Chinese coasting junks that brought them not the junks in money very rapidly, and Hayes's daring attack on and capture of a nest of other and real pirates procured for him a good standing with the Chinese authorities.

The devotees of Truth sat staring straight before them. They seemed sleepy, and they continually nodded their heads like mandarins. Mr. Policeman was the only member of the group who did not nod continually. He was fast asleep! He stirred occasionally when a fly circled about his nose. On these occasions he waved his hand smartly before his face.

"Now, here goes! Flap and wish." Griselda flapped and wished. She felt a sort of rustle in the air, that was all then she found herself standing with the cuckoo in front of the Chinese cabinet, the door of which stood open, while the mandarins on each side, nodding politely, seemed to invite them to enter. Griselda hesitated. "Go on," said the cuckoo, patronizingly; "ladies first."