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On this the Captain-Major ordered one Joao Machado, a convict, who understood a little Arabic, to go on shore in the canoe, and explain to the Sheikh that they had been deceived by the pilot, and that when the Portuguese tried to catch him, his people had come out with arms in their hands to fight, and that it was on account of the want of sincerity in the Sheikh and his countrymen that the Portuguese were going away.

Vasco da Gama, irritated at being unable to punish the chief, put the pilot in irons to prevent his escape. The wind being contrary, the ships brought up off an island about a league from Mozambique, where the Admiral awaited the return of his messenger. Machado, however, did not come back, the Sheikh, being highly pleased at having it in his power to do so, kept him as a captive.

We were then obliged to have recourse to oars; and as soon as we were near the land, fearing that the crazy vessel would sink before reaching port, I begged Senor Machado to send me ashore in the boat with the more precious portion of my collections.

Both because of the importance of Machado de Assis to Brazilian literature, and as an insight into Verissimo's delightful critical style, I translate somewhat at length from that writer. "With Varias Historias," he says in his studies of Brazilian letters, "Sr.

It was intended that Joao Machado should remain in the country in older that on their return he should be able, should he live, to give them full information about the people. While the Saint Raphael was hove to, she struck upon a shoal, and was with difficulty got off, in consequence of which it was afterwards named the Banks of Saint Raphael.

In connection with the special character of the tales included in the present sample of modern Brazilian short stories, particularly those by Machado de Assis and Medeiros e Albuquerque it is interesting to keep in mind the popularity of Poe and Hawthorne in South America. The introspection of these men, as of de Maupassant and kindred spirits, appeals to a like characteristic of the Brazilians.

Other works are The Struggle, A Country Drama, and Brazilian Legends. The story in this volume is taken from a collection entitled The Complex Soul. The present selection of tales makes no pretense at completeness, finality or infallibility of choice. This little book is, so to speak, merely a modest sample-case. Roxbury, Mass. By Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis

As he entered, Camillo could not repress a cry of horror: there upon the sofa lay Rita, dead in a pool of blood. Villela seized the lover by the throat and, with two bullets, stretched him dead upon the floor. By Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis End of time. Ahasverus, seated upon a rock, gazes for a long while upon the horizon, athwart which wing two eagles, crossing each other in their path.

He soon found his way into surroundings where his literary tastes were awakened and where he came into contact with some of the leading spirits of the day. The next decade, from his thirtieth to his fortieth year, is called transitional. With the year 1879, however, Machado de Assis began a long phase of maturity that was to last for thirty years.

Cabral B. P. Mota Jose M. Bonetti Francisco Ungria Chala, Commandant of Arms Felix Mariano Lluveres, President of the Legislative Chamber Francisco Javier Machado, Deputy of the Legislative Chamber The Consul of Spain, Jose Manuel Echeverri Luigi Cambiaso, R. Consul of H. M. the King of Italy Miguel Pou, Consul of the German Empire Paul Jones, United States Consul D. Coen, British Vice-Consul J. M. Leyba, Consul of the Netherlands A. Aubin Defougerais, Vice-Consul of France Jesus Ma.