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"I remember about that better than anything else in the book." "Yes, they almost always sing that. I heard them, myself," and Miss Lyndesay's eyes grew sweeter at the thought. "I have never heard anything more affecting than that singing: "'Who best can drink His cup of woe, Triumphant over pain, Who patient bears His cross below, He follows in His train."

But I had an idea, Hannah, that you were one of the people who could manage pretty well to be happy with things as they came." Hannah flushed and buried her face on Miss Lyndesay's shoulder. Frieda looked restless. "Bitte, sprechen Sie mal Deutsch," she said suddenly. "Es tut mir furchtbar weh, immer Englisch zu hören!" Quick as a flash Hannah's head came up, and she laughed a delicious laugh.

Somehow the little group made its way inside the great roofed-over place where the customs inspectors were doing their disagreeable duty to trunks and suitcases. Under a great black "L" Karl soon had Miss Lyndesay's and Frieda's trunks opened and passed upon, while Hannah struggled to collect her wits, and control her unspeakable rapture.

"I do hope you can feel the thanks I'm sending you across all that big salt water!" Clara Lyndesay's own eyes misted a little. "That little study isn't deserving of such glowing words," she said to herself. "Now I must see what my other childie has to say. Their letters are growing more similar.

"But English English must be best," protested Frieda, and Hannah forgot Miss Lyndesay's warning and "flared up" for a minute, but immediately recollected herself, and ordered an ice-cream soda as a peace-offering, notwithstanding the fact that Frieda found the taste disagreeable. "You'll like it, when you are used to it," she said comfortingly. "You don't have them at home, you know."

At luncheon in the pretty club dining-room, Frieda ate industriously and silently, as Hannah remembered seeing her do of old. Hannah herself did justice to the good dishes, though she could hardly take her eyes from Miss Lyndesay's beautiful face, and could think of nothing whatever to say on any subject. Karl and his hostess chatted pleasantly and liked each other warmly.