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Was it possible not to feel twice tenderly towards this friend, who by the way of friendship had come to think the very thoughts that he, Lucien, had reached through ambition? The aspirant for love and honors felt that the way had been made smooth for him; the young man and the comrade felt all his heart go out towards his friend.

All that was necessary was a form for your signature, so I called upon the banker. I regret to tell you that he has no longer any funds of yours in hand. The whole amount has been withdrawn." "By whom?" Legrand shrugged his shoulders. "I do not know. If you wish me to make a guess, I should say by Lucien Bruslart. You will know whether he had any document in his possession giving him such power."

And David read, as a poet can read, first Andre de Chenier's Idyll Neere, then Le Malade, following on with the Elegy on a Suicide, another elegy in the classic taste, and the last two Iambes. "So that is Andre de Chenier!" Lucien exclaimed again and again. "It fills one with despair!" he cried for the third time, when David surrendered the book to him, unable to read further for emotion.

He is almost asleep now. I think he will let me put him down in his own little bed. Ptolemy brought it over here. Pull back the covers for me, Lucien. There!" Diogenes half opened his eyes, as she laid him in the bed and smiled wanly. "Mudder!" he cooed. Silvia flushed and looked as if she dreaded some expression of mirth from me.

Youth and ambition had thrown the flying-bridge of glory across the gulf between the city and the suburb, yet Lucien was as uneasy in his mind over his lady's answer as any king's favorite who has tried to climb yet higher, and fears that being over-bold he is like to fall.

"Here, Gabusson," he added, handing Barbet's bill to the cashier, "let me have ninety francs for this individual. Fill in your name, old man." Lousteau signed his name while the cashier counted out the money; and Lucien, all eyes and ears, lost not a syllable of the conversation. "That is not all, my friend," Etienne continued; "I don't thank you, we have sworn an eternal friendship.

'Well, said he, 'well? The older man had put his pistol back into the breast of his brown coat. 'This is Lucien Lesage, said he. The hussar looked with disgust at the prostrate figure upon the floor. 'A pretty conspirator! said he. 'Get up, you grovelling hound! Here, Gerard, take charge of him and bring him into camp.

"I am anxious to see that you have all you need," he said, "for we Corsicans are still savages, and this old hospitality, which is almost the only tradition of our forefathers left, has its shortcomings for the French." I assured him that the apartment was far from suggesting savagery. "My brother Louis likes to live after the French fashion," Lucien answered.

David was enjoying his holiday sitting under an orange-tree with his wife, and father, and little Lucien, when the bailiff from Mansle appeared. Cointet Brothers gave their partner formal notice to appoint an arbitrator to settle disputes, in accordance with a clause in the agreement.

When the meal was over, Basil again looked to repairing the harness of the mule that had got out of order on the march while Lucien drew out his note-book and pencil, and, sitting down upon a buffalo-robe, commenced entering his observations for the day.