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Plan of the Creation; or, Other Worlds, and who Inhabit them. By Rev. C.L. Hequembourg. Boston. Phillips, Sampson, & Co. 12mo. pp. 391. $1.25. Five Essays. By John Kearsley Mitchell, M.D. Edited by S. Weir Mitchell, M.D. Philadelphia. J.B. Lippincott & Co. 12mo. pp. 371. $1.25. Hope Marshall; or, Government and its Offices. By William N.O. Lasselle. Washington. H. Lasselle. 12mo. pp. 326. $1.00.

The Virginia Springs, and the Springs of the South and West. By J.J. Moorman, M.D. With Maps and Plates, and the Routes and Distances to the Various Springs. Philadelphia. J.B. Lippincott. pp. 403. $1.50. On Civil Liberty and Self-Government. By Francis Lieber, LL.D. Enlarged Edition. Philadelphia. J.B. Lippincott & Co. 8vo. pp. 629. $4.75. The Bertrams. A Novel.

The cruises of the other vessels of the American squadron, from November, 1881, to November, 1884." By W.H. Beehler, Lieut. U. S. Navy. Illustrated. Press of J.B. Lippincott Co. Philadelphia. 1885. The copious information given on the title-page leaves little to be supplied in regard to the subject-matter of this volume.

D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 217. $1.25. A Treatise on Theism and on the Modern Skeptical Theories. By Francis Wheaton. Philadelphia. J.B. Lippincott & Co. 12mo. pp. 395. $1.25. By Augusta Browne Garrett. New York. Sheldon & Co. 12mo. pp. 328. $1.00. The Convalescent. By N. Parker Willis. New York. Charles Scribner. 12mo. pp. 456. $1.25.

Then the stifled moan began to escape from her bitten lips again, her face worked pitifully, and she began to cry. "Now, crowd it on, Jim!" Doctor Lippincott said, nodding toward the chloroform. "Breathe deep, breathe it in, my darling!" Jim urged, pouring the sweet, choking stuff upon the little mask he held above the tortured face. "You aren't helping me at all!"

By THEOPHILUS PARSONS, LL.D., Dane Professor of Law in Harvard University, and Author of Treatises on the Law of Contracts, on the Elements of Mercantile Law, on Maritime Law, and the Laws of Business for Business-Men. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co.

"I remember a kid, name of Henry Lippincott, used to set in front of me at school," began Buck Devine, with the air of delicately breaking a long silence; "he'd wiggle his ears and get me to laughing out loud, and then I'd be called up for it by teacher and like as not kept in at recess." "You ought to seen that bunch of tame alligators down to the San Francisco Fair," observed Squat genially.

"She's not suffering much," the nurse said brightly, after a cautious glance at Julia's closed door. "This isn't much yet. She's a little scared, that's all!" Hating the nurse from the depth of her heart, Miss Toland went downstairs to see the doctor. Jim was sitting with a newspaper on the porch, trying to smoke. He jumped up nervously. "Where's Doctor Lippincott?" demanded Miss Toland.

Simmons went to the southwest chamber that night she cast a glance at the bed-hanging and the easy chair. There were the peacocks on the blue ground. She gave a contemptuous thought to Eliza Lippincott. "I don't believe but she's getting nervous," she thought. "I wonder if any of her family have been out at all." But just before Mrs.