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One of these two types of organisation must in fact be better than the other, but no one has systematically compared them. In the Colonial Office, again, it is the duty of the Librarian to see that the published books as well as the office records on any question are available for every official who has to report on it.

Engel picked up one of the books as it lay on the counter, and as he read the title his face betrayed a slight surprise. "Modern criticism!" he exclaimed. "You have found me out," the rector acknowledged, smiling. "Came into my room, and have a chat," said the librarian, coaxingly.

The books, especially the "juvenile books," were those of a former generation. "Who selected the books?" I asked. "Nobody exactly selected them," the librarian said. "Every one around here gave a few from their collections, so's we could have a near-to library principally on account of the children. I live most convenient to every one hereabouts; so I had shelves put up in my lean-to for them."

May it not be politic, at least, for the librarian to descend from her disdainful height and make friends with "the trade," with bookseller and publisher who, after all, have as good a right to their bread and butter as the librarian paid out of the city's taxes?

The main stairway that which led to the great reading-rooms of the library proper was on the southern front. Only those having business with the head librarian or the trustees were supposed to come this way.

It is gratifying to add that in several recent provisions made for erecting large and important structures, the librarian was made a member of the building committee i. e., in the New York Public Library, the Newark Free Public Library, and the Lynn Public Library. We now come to consider the management of libraries as entrusted to boards of directors, trustees or library managers.

King Henry IV. sensible that he ought to have a man of the greatest merit at the head of his Library, had, at the recommendation of M. de Villeroi, while Gosselin his librarian was yet living, fixed upon Casaubon, who at that time had the greatest name for literature.

The librarian should not seclude himself so as to be practically inaccessible to readers, nor trust wholly to assistants to answer their inquiries. This may be necessary in some large libraries, where great and diversified interests connected with the building up of the collection, the catalogue system, and the library management and administration are all concerned.

"It does," Catherine answered gravely, "but we could not afford a trained librarian, and Algernon is intelligent and will study. Miss Adams gave him hints as to books to get, and she will help him. He can go over there when he gets into difficulties. She seemed to like him.

It is thus that the material and the practical link themselves indissolubly with the ideal. And the ideal of every true librarian should be so to care for the embodiments of intelligence entrusted to his guardianship, that they may become in the highest degree useful to mankind.