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To prevent this was a duty to the master whom he loved, and against whom he had only warned Ledscha because he was reluctant to see a free maiden of his own race placed on a level with the venal Alexandrian models, but still more because any serious love affair between Hermon and the Biamite might bring disastrous consequences upon both, and therefore also on himself.

Yes, he was right; the old pirate's shrill whistle reached his ear from the Owl's Nest, and he was accustomed to obedience. So, lightly touching Ledscha on the shoulder, he whispered that he must return to the island at once. His father would be rejoiced if she went with him. "To-morrow," she answered in a tone of resolute denial.

I inhaled the odor of the roasting ducks, too, and then it must be done at midnight; and at midnight your people will be anxious if you are not at home by that time, or perhaps send a slave to seek you here at my house, and that that must not be done I must prevent it." "So you are expecting some one," Ledscha eagerly replied. "And I know who it is. Your son Satabus, or one of your grandsons.

Instead of the spider, a slender, lank woman, with long, outstretched bare arms, and fingers spread wide apart, fluttering hair, and wandering eyes again stood before Ledscha.

A web of shimmering silvery radiance covered the edges of every island, and suddenly the brilliant full moon was reflected in argent lustre like a magnificent quivering column upon the surface of the water, now rippled by the evening breeze. The time during which Ledscha could repeat "When the moon is over Pelican Island" was past; already its course had led it beyond.

Now she had at last been subjugated by a new passion love for the Greek sculptor Hermon, who did his best to win the heart of the Biamite girl, whose austere, extremely singular beauty attracted his artist eyes. To-day Ledscha had come to the sorceress to learn from her what awaited her and her love.

Soon after the girl's abrupt departure he dressed himself in festal garments for the banquet. It would flatter Ledscha also if he went to her in this attire and, with his figure drawn up to its full height, he walked toward the door to go to the Alexandrian's tent. But what did this mean? Myrtilus was standing before his Demeter, scanning it intently with his keen artist eyes.

All these articles were arranged haphazard, and showed that Bias possessed more wisdom than care in the use of duster and broom. It would have been difficult to count the number of things brought together here, but the unusually long, wide room was by no means crowded. Ledscha cast a wondering glance sometimes at one object, sometimes at another, but without understanding its meaning or its use.

Resentment and wrath suddenly flamed in my soul, and before he could detain me I had left the room. In spite of his representations and entreaties, I did not enter it again." "Yet," asked the sorceress in perplexity, "you once more obeyed his summons?" "Yesterday also I could not help it," Ledscha answered softly.

It had not been possible to hear his report before, but when he at last received it Hermon was to learn something extremely unpleasant, and not only because no word of apology or even explanation of his absence had reached Ledscha.