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Updated: August 22, 2024

We leave the table after a parting glass of Choa-Hing wine, and a few minutes afterward are in the waiting room. All my numbers are present, with the exception, of course, of Kinko, who would have done honor to our breakfast if it had been possible for him to take part in it.

Kinko has paid with his life for the safety of his fellow passengers. Amid the confusion my first care was to visit the luggage van, which had remained uninjured. Evidently if Kinko had survived the explosion he would have got back into his box and waited till I put myself in communication with him. Alas! The coffer is empty empty as that of a company which has suspended payment.

Kinko was without money over there at Tiflis, and I had not enough to send him his fare. But he is here at last. He will get work, for he is a good workman, and as soon as we can we will pay the company " "Yes; I know, I know." "And then we are going to get married, monsieur. He loves me so much, and I love him. We met one another in Paris. He was so kind to me.

And that will not be long, if we cannot stop the retrograde movement which is beginning on our side. To the reports of the guns there are now added the cries of the women, who in their terror are running about the gangways, although Miss Bluett and Madame Caterna are trying to keep them inside the cars. A few bullets have gone through the panels, and I am wondering if any of them have hit Kinko.

It was on the first floor, the window of which opened on to the avenue, that the young Roumanian lived, and where, having learned her trade as a milliner in Paris, she was engaged in it at Pekin. I go up to the first floor. I read the name of Madame Zinca Klork on a door. I knock. The door is opened. I am in the presence of a young lady who is perfectly charming, as Kinko said.

I may as well say at once that everything was arranged satisfactorily. Next morning Kinko made a triumphal entry into the house in the Avenue Cha-Coua, where we were assembled, while Madame Caterna was showering her maternal consolations on the unhappy Zinca Klork. The newspapers had got wind of the affair.

There is the case, with all its inscriptions: This side up, this side down, fragile, glass, beware of damp, etc., etc. It is there half smashed. There has been a collision. The cart has been run into by a carriage, as the case was being got down. The case has slipped on to the ground. It has been knocked in. And Kinko has jumped out like a jack-in-the-box but alive, very much alive!

"No, it was the managers of my journal, and they delegated to me the powers they hold from Providence, courage and confidence. Anything I can do for you I will." "Thanks, thanks." "What is your name?" "Kinko." "Kinko? Excellent name!" "Excellent?" "For my articles! You are a Roumanian, are you not?" "Roumanian of Bucharest." "But you have lived in France?"

I then open the door of the van, shut it behind me, and signal my presence to Kinko. The panel is lowered, the little lamp is lighted. In exchange for the cakes and wine I receive the brave fellow's thanks, and we drink to the health of Zinca Klork, whose acquaintance I am to make on the morrow. It is ten minutes to one.

"I had only money enough to buy a packing case, a few provisions, and get myself sent off by an obliging friend. It costs a thousand francs to go from Tiflis to Pekin. But as soon as I have gained them, the company will be repaid, I assure you." "I believe you, Kinko, I believe you; and on your arrival at Pekin?" "Zinca has been informed. The box will be taken to Avenue Cha-Coua, and she "

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