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I would have watched it on to the cart, and I would have accompanied it to the Avenue Cha Coua, I would even have helped in carrying him up to Mademoiselle Zinca Klork! And what a double explosion of joy there would have been when Kinko jumped through the panel to fall into the arms of the fair Roumanian! But no!

Anything is better than being dead even when one is menaced by prison, be it a Chinese prison. And that is what happens, in spite of the girl's supplications and my entreaties. And Kinko is dragged off by the police, amid the laughter and howls of the crowd. But I will not abandon him! No, if I move heaven and earth, I will not abandon him.

But he is alive, and that is the essential point. But we must not waste an hour, for if the police is not perfect in China, it is at least prompt and expeditious. Soon caught, soon hanged and it will not do for them to hang Kinko, even metaphorically. I offer my arm to Mademoiselle Zinca, and I lead her to my carriage, and we return rapidly towards the Hotel of the Ten Thousand Dreams.

He is very pleased at the provisions, for they are a change to his usual diet. "I do not know how to thank you, Monsieur Bombarnac," he says to me. "If you do not know, friend Kinko," I reply, "do not do it; that is very simple." "How long do we stop at ?" "Two hours." "And when shall we be at the frontier?" "To-morrow, about one in the afternoon." "And at Kachgar?"

"No perhaps" he replies. Before I can move, Kinko is out of his box. He rushes towards the front door; he climbs on to the tender. "Come along! Come along!" he shouts. I do not know how I have done it, but here I am at his side, on the foot-plate, my feet in the blood of the driver and stoker, who have been thrown off on to the line. Faruskiar and his accomplices are no longer here.

We retired while Caterna poured out all the locutions in his marine and theatrical vocabulary. What was to be done? "Gentlemen," said Pan-Chao, "I know how things are managed in Pekin and the Celestial Empire. Two hours will not elapse from the time Kinko is arrested to the time he is brought before the judge charged with this sort of crime. He will not only be sent to prison, but the bastinado "

"Oh! thank you, sir!" says the lady, taking me by the hands. "With a Frenchman Kinko was sure of not being betrayed, and even of receiving help! Thank you, thank you!" I am more than ever afraid of the mission on which I have come. "And no one suspected the presence of my dear Kinko?" she asks. "No one." "What would you have had us do, sir? We are not rich.

Well! They have been robbed, these robbers, and I hope that they will pay for their crime with their lives, at the least. I alone know what has passed, but I will tell the story, for poor Kinko is no more. Yes! My mind is made up. I will speak as soon as I have seen Zinca Klork. The poor girl must be told with consideration. The death of her betrothed must not come upon her like a thunderclap.

Three weeks ago she wrote to me. She was getting on over there. If I could go out to her, I would do well. We should get married without delay. She had saved something. I would soon earn as much as she had. And here I am on the road in my turn for China." "In this box?" "What would you have, Monsieur Bombarnac?" asked Kinko, reddening.

I hastened to add: "Mademoiselle Zinca certain circumstances have brought to my knowledge the journey of a young Roumanian " "Kinko my poor Kinko they have found him?" she asks in a trembling voice. "No no " say I, hesitating. "No one knows except myself. I often visited him in the luggage-van at night; we were companions, friends. I took him a few provisions "