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Updated: August 5, 2024

Out of this million ten or twelve thousand are stabbed, shot, drowned, hanged, poisoned, or meet a similarly violent death in some other popular way, such as perishing by kerosene-lamp and hoop-skirt conflagrations, getting buried in coal-mines, falling off house-tops, breaking through church, or lecture-room floors, taking patent medicines, or committing suicide in other forms.

His interest in the matter, which he tried to hide at first under a mask of decorous indifference, mounted with the fire of Whitwell's enthusiasm, and they held nightly councils together, studying his course on the map, and consulting planchette upon the points at variance that rose between them, while Jombateeste sat with his chair tilted against the wall, and pulled steadily at his pipe, which mixed its strong fumes with the smell of the kerosene-lamp and the perennial odor of potatoes in the cellar under the low room where the companions forgathered.

"Knowledge is power." In years he was but thirty-five; but he was a widower, and the one son who was his only child and companion would presently be fourteen. "Claude," he said, as they rose that evening from their hard supper in the light and fumes of their small kerosene-lamp, "I' faut z-ahler coucher." "Quofoir?" asked the sturdy lad.

He went off to his so-called hotel. In his room, by the light of the kerosene-lamp, he took out the envelope and reed what she had written. It was: Vanessa Simola, Claridon, Michigan. He turned over the envelope and looked at the address on the other side, in his own handwriting: Miss Janet Spencer, Tawnleytown.... And the envelope dropped from his nerveless fingers to the table.

Apart from old shoes, a modern kerosene-lamp of glass, a dirty blanket or two, and a cot-bed, there seemed to be nothing worth confiscating except a couple of Spanish newspapers hanging against the right-hand wall on a nail. One was "El Imparcial," a sheet as large as the New York "Sun"; and the other, "La Saeta," an illustrated comic paper about the size of "Punch."

On the table a tin kerosene-lamp had burned low, poisoning the air with its bitter reek. On the cot Doggott sprawled in his clothing, his strained position half reclining, feet upon the floor suggesting an uncontemplated surrender to fatigue. His face was flushed and he was breathing heavily.

"Look out you don't slip up in your calculations. That's all." "I guess we cha'n't slip up." Jeff came into the ugly old family parlor, where his mother sat mending by the kerosene-lamp which she had kept through all the household changes, and pushed enough of her work aside from the corner of the table to rest his arm upon it. "Mother, I want you to listen to me, and to wait till I get done.

There was a hot stove-fire within, and a kerosene-lamp turned low, but there was no one there, and he had the photograph of his first picture of Lion's Head to himself in the dim light. The voices of Mrs.

Meanwhile, Rebecca Wise, having carefully wrung out her dishcloth, poured out the water and swept the little sink, was slowly untying her kitchen apron, full of a thankful sense of the quiet hour before her wherein to knit and muse beside the front window of her little parlor. In the centre of this room there stood a wide, round table, bearing a large kerosene-lamp and the week's mending.

Now, Abbie imagined that the key whereby alone all these difficulties could be unlocked, lay in her own hands. When the last guests had taken their departure, Abbie went to her room, and looked at herself in the glass, by the light of a kerosene-lamp.

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