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"Yesseh an' many 'appy 'eturn! I dunno if you kin billieve that, Mistoo Itchlin; but I was juz about to 'ead that in yo' physio'nomie! Yesseh. But, Mistoo Itchlin, when shall the happy o'casion take effect?" "Pretty soon. Not as soon as I thought, for I got a despatch yesterday, saying her mother is very ill, and of course I telegraphed her to stay till her mother is at least convalescent.

'Cause thass my natu'e, Mistoo Itchlin; I gatheh honey eve'y day fum eve'y opening floweh, as the bahd of A-von wemawk." So they went on. Ad infinitum? Ah, no!

"Well, my good friend, if you had ever kept a single promise made to me I need not have gone since yesterday without a morsel of food." Narcisse tried to respond. "Hush!" said Richling, and Narcisse bowed while Richling spoke on. "I haven't a cent to buy bread with to carry home. And whose fault is it? Is it my fault or is it yours?" "Mistoo Itchlin, seh"

And out of every garden came the voices of little children at play, the blessedest sound on earth. "O Mary, Mary! why should two lovers live apart on this beautiful earth? Autumn is no time for mating. Who can tell what autumn will bring?" The revery was interrupted. "Mistoo Itchlin, 'ow you enjoyin' yo' 'ealth in that beaucheouz weatheh juz at the pwesent? Me, I'm well.

"If you will pummit me yo' attention a few moment'." He bowed again and made way for Mary to precede him. "Mistoo Itchlin," he continued, going in, "in fact you don't give Misses Witchlin my last name with absolute co'ectness." "Did I not? Why, I hope you'll pardon" "Oh, I'm glad of it. I don' feel lak a pusson is my fwen' whilst they don't call me Nahcisse."

"Mistoo Itchlin, seein' as 'tis you, a puffic gen'leman, 'oo is not goin' to 'efuse that satisfagtion w'at a gen'leman, always a-'eady to give a gen'leman, I bid you faw the pwesen' good-evenin', seh!" He walked away. Richling stood in his tracks dumfounded, crushed.

"You muz egscuse my i'ony, Mistoo Itchlin; I can't 'ep that sometime'. It come natu'al to me, in fact. I was on'y speaking i'oniously juz now in calling allusion to that dust; because, of co'se, theh is no dust to-day, because the g'ound is all covvud with watah, in fact. Some people don't understand that figgah of i'ony."

Two little short-skirted, bare-legged girls were playing near him. He spoke to them in French. Did they know where Monsieu' Itchlin lived? The two children repeated the name, looking inquiringly at each other. "Non, miché." "No, sir, they didn't know." "Qui reste ici?" he asked. "Who lives here?" "Ici? Madame qui reste l

"Why," said Richling, lolling back, "the Doctor has simply omitted to have you make the entry of" But he had no right to interfere with the Doctor's accounts. However, Narcisse was not listening. "You' compel' to be witch some day, Mistoo Itchlin, ad that wate of p'ogwess; I am convince of that. I can deteg that indisputably in yo' physio'nomie. Me I can't save a cent!

"Doctah Seveeah," he said, "in fact, I fine that a ve'y gen'lemany young man, that Mistoo Itchlin, weely, Doctah." The Doctor murmured to himself from the letter he was writing. "Well, au 'evoi', Doctah; I'm goin'."