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Updated: August 26, 2024

"My lads, I have just weturned from a conference with the admiwal, at which every captain in the fleet was pwesent. And I am ah charged by Lord Hood to expwess to you all officers and men alike his thanks for your wecent exertions in waising the guns to the top of yonder wock.

Most murdewers are thundewing stout fellows, you know." "How horrid you are, Carminow!" cried Hilaria. "I shouldn't think a great man would at all like having a murderer's blood in his veins. I'm sure my darling Lord Palmerston wouldn't." "Oh, I don't say it's possible at pwesent," replied Carminow placidly, "but when surgeons know their business it will be.

Rosalind would have been ready to protest that she cared a hundred times more for her friends' feelings than for her own dignity, but when it came to the test she sacrificed them without hesitation in the interest of selfish pride. "I am sowwy, but if you cannot go, Peggy, I think we had better leave it alone for the pwesent.

And out of every garden came the voices of little children at play, the blessedest sound on earth. "O Mary, Mary! why should two lovers live apart on this beautiful earth? Autumn is no time for mating. Who can tell what autumn will bring?" The revery was interrupted. "Mistoo Itchlin, 'ow you enjoyin' yo' 'ealth in that beaucheouz weatheh juz at the pwesent? Me, I'm well.

She has gived us supper and soon we'll be home; and Uncle William won't be in bed, and he won't let c'uel Aunt Jane beat me. It's all wight; I may just as well go to s'eep, 'cos I is drefful s'eepy, and it's late. I wonder if the night will be starful, and if I'll see Orion up in the sky. Anyhow, there's no stars at pwesent, and I had best go to s'eep."

Richling repressed a smile. "Thank you! But I don't care to invest it." "Pay you ten pe' cent. a month." "But we can't spare it," said Richling, smiling toward Mary. "We may need part of it ourselves." "I tell you, 'eally, Mistoo Itchlin, I nevveh baw' money; but it juz 'appen I kin use that juz at the pwesent."

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