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Updated: August 21, 2024

Mais M. Gibbon, instruit par l'experience des inconveniens d'un gouvernement populaire, ne fut point du tout de son avis, et il prit genereusement la defense du gouvernement monarchique. L'Abbe voulut le convaincre par Tite Live, et par quelques argumens tires de Plutarque en faveur des Spartiates.

Je rename a tout cela; les inconveniens en sont innombrables; all my play at present is confined to a rubber at whist, and a little Pharo with Ailsford, and perhaps two or three more. Le grand evenement c'est la perte or la gain de 50 or 80 guineas. 4 o'clock. Come home to dinner. No letters as yet come from Ireland. Lord Egremont tells me that Digby is sent after La Motte Piquet.

'A learned prelate accidentally met Bentley in the days of Phalaris; and after having complimented him on that noble piece of criticism (the Answer to the Oxford Writers) he bad him not be discouraged at this run upon him, for tho' they had got the laughers on their side, yet mere wit and raillery could not long hold out against a work of so much merit. To which the other replied, "Indeed Dr. S. [Sprat], I am in no pain about the matter. For I hold it as certain, that no man was ever written out of reputation but by himself." Warburton on Pope, iv. 159, quoted in Person's Tracts, p. 345. 'Against personal abuse, says Hawkins (Life, p. 348), 'Johnson was ever armed by a reflection that I have heard him utter: "Alas! reputation would be of little worth, were it in the power of every concealed enemy to deprive us of it." He wrote to Baretti: 'A man of genius has been seldom ruined but by himself. Ante, i. 381. Voltaire in his Essay Sur les inconvéniens attachés

That of Paris and Besançon condemned Boncerf's Des Inconvéniens des Droits Féodaux .

A ces renseignemens sur les avantages et les inconvéniens des des divers passages, le dominicain en ajoute quelques autres sur les princes par les états desquels il faudra passer, et sur les ressources que fourniront ces états.

Dryden, Aeneid, vi. 273. BOSWELL. Voltaire, in his Essay Sur les inconvéniens attachés

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