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But, no, he had no thought, even on this day of all days, for his child. He was off without his breakfast, an hour earlier than usual, to the hospital, a letter in his hand. Mata literally fell upon her knees before him, importuning him for the honor of the family name, if not in love for Umè-ko, to give orders at the temple for the holding of religious ceremonies.

From this patriotic and practical advice to women she turns to men, and in Le Livre de la Paix sets forth the duties of princes and of those in power to the people, importuning them to exercise clemency, liberality, and justice. A. A. Hentsch, De la littérature du moyen âge s’adressant spécialement aux femmes, Cahors, 1903. But it is too late. The sand in the hour-glass is running low.

The goddess of fortune sometimes blesses the persistent even before they begin to persist perhaps from sheer weariness at the remembrance of previous importuning. Victoria, on a brand-new and somewhat sensitive five-year-old, was coming out of the stone archway when Mr. An exhibition of horsemanship followed, on Victoria's part, which Mr. Crewe beheld with admiration.

As for the Easterner, he was importuning in a voice that was not heeded: "Wait a moment, can't you? Oh, wait a moment. What's the good of a fight over a game of cards? Wait a moment " In this tumult no complete sentences were clear. "Cheat" "Quit" "He says" these fragments pierced the uproar and rang out sharply.

"Sir," replied Schehera-zade, "the example which you have brought does not alter my resolution, and I shall not cease importuning you till I have obtained from you the favor of presenting me to the sultan as his consort."

Free women roamed the corridors of the city, pathetically importuning marriage, and wives spent most of the time they were not under their husbands' watchful eyes in flirtatious attempts to provide themselves with better prospects for their next marriages. Naturally the biggest problem of the community was that of stimulating the birth rate.

"Here, Jones, I want to show you something. New goods just in; the very thing for your sales." Or "Ah! how are you, Jones? Can't we sell you a bill, to-day?" They were for ever importuning me to buy, and often tempted me to make purchases of goods that I really did not want.

Have you ever spent days and nights racking your brain, importuning the unanswering Powers, to learn whether there was well, whether there was Another Man, for instance? Oh, bring me drink. Bring me Seltzer water and Vermouth. I will seek nepenthe at the bottom of the wine-cup." Was there another man? Why should there not be? And yet was there?

Once upon a time Gudrun bade Thorvald buy a gift for her, and Thorvald said she showed no moderation in her demands, and gave her a box on the ear. Then said Gudrun, "Now you have given me that which we women set great store by having to perfection a fine colour in the cheeks and thereby have also taught me how to leave off importuning you." That same evening Thord came there.

She used many other arguments to endeavour to make him change his mind; but the charms of the princess had made too great an impression on his heart for him to be dissuaded from his design. He persisted in importuning his mother to execute his resolution, and she, as much out of tenderness as for fear he should be guilty of greater extravagance, complied with his request.