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Updated: August 3, 2024

But if its imaging should be perfected and it should be generated from an "indivisible point," as it is written in his Revelation, the small shall become great. How and in what manner, then, he asks, does God fashion man?

She took the field, revolted, dissevering herself from the class which tolerated them actuated by a reflective moralty, she believed; and loathed herself for having aspired, schemed, to be a member of the class. But it was not the class, it was against her lord as representative of the class, that she was now the rebel, neither naming him nor imaging him. Her enveloping mind was black on him.

"I am like my father witless in matters of the heart, and of a poor way with women; yet the jewels that strew these royal garden paths the trees, the flowers, the sward all must have read the love that has filled my heart since first my eyes were made new by imaging your perfect face and form; so how could you alone have been blind to it?"

Laura, and the horrible little bronze butterfly, and the 'Sei sospetta, now made her duty seem dry and miserably fleshless, imaging itself to her as if a skeleton had been told to arise and walk: say, the thing obeys, and fills a ghastly distension of men's eyelids for a space, and again lies down, and men get their breath: but who is the rosier for it? where is the glory of it? what is the good?

It is just as easy to plant and grow wholesome desires as the other kind. You should picture to yourself the advantages of acquiring the desirable traits of character of which you have thought. You should frequently go over and over them in your mind, imaging yourself in imagination as possessing them.

Deceitful sea imaging the beauties, thoughts, and passions of the earth! Within thy mighty depths, too, thou hast gems to deck the crowns of kings and the brows of loveliness; and yet thou cravest for more more and engulfest rich argosies with all their treasures thou insatiate sea!

He sensed the other Lords' invisible presence as they prepared to watch over the enormous number of individuals that, despite the war's heavy casualties, still made up the Traiti race. They'd help ease the shock of his revelation, and even though Tarlac would be spread thin imaging himself in so many places, he'd reinforce Ch'kara himself.

We come to the second of the Sacraments selected for study, that of the Sacrifice of the Eucharist, a symbol of the eternal Sacrifice already explained, the daily sacrifice of the Church Catholic throughout the world imaging that eternal Sacrifice by which the worlds were made, and by which they are evermore sustained.

She waked often in the solitude of the night, imaging the bride and bridegroom on the track of rapture, following the unwaning star. In the morning there was a cablegram for her, reading: "Home on Thursday. To-day was Monday.

For example, the same person would, perhaps, visualize if he were imaging landscape, but get an auditory image of a friend's voice instead of a visual image of him. He might, when under experimental conditions with the controlling purpose, that of examining his images, get visual images, but, when under ordinary conditions, get a larger number of auditory and kinæsthetic images.

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