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Confront Plato with the complexity of modern industry, prove to him, as any modern lecturer could, that, for Northern man at any rate, life can only be maintained without degradation on a basis of widespread industrialism and with our familiar equipment of railways, steamships, telephones, et hoc genus omne, and it is safe to predict that he would fail to give the reply which the modern reformer would expect from him.

But if they shall desire to have some gunpowder for the shortening of their torment, I see not but you may grant it, as it is written, Regnum meum non est de hoc mundo; that is to say, My kingdom is not of this world." But Mr. Gladstone has other arguments against persecution, arguments which are of so much weight, that they are decisive not only against persecution but against his whole theory.

Hitherto Roman history had been imperfectly treated. It is unfortunate that such crude conceptions of its nature prevailed. Even Cicero says, opus hoc unum maxime oratorium. It had been either a register of events kept by aristocratic pontiffs from pride of race, or a series of pictures for the display of eloquence.

He knows the conditions of the will; he knows that, at the worst, I must have thirty thousand pounds, if I live a few months longer. I will go to him." ANIMUM nunc hoc celerem, nunc dividit illuc.* VIRGIL. * "Now this, now that, distracts the active mind." THE late Mr.

One Sunday she said to him, "Oh, dear, I do feel so dull. Nobody to go to church with, nor yet to the Zoo." "I'll go with you," said Staines. "You will! To which?" "To both; in for a penny, in for a pound." So to church they went; and Staines, whose motto was "Hoc age," minded his book. Rosa had intervals of attention to the words, but found plenty of time to study the costumes.

An ad hoc authority by its very nature is necessarily weaker than an authority entrusted not merely with the care of a single interest but with the care of the public interests as a whole.

Bennett should have a chauffeur; but he had or proposed to have pro hac vice or ad hoc; for this particular job, in fact. Without a car that stuff at Tower Cottage somewhere at Tower Cottage would be difficult to shift.

It is true that classes are large, that rooms are full, that some pupils are severely dull, and that it is a very hard thing to know what it is best to do; but these things, all of them, do not excuse you from doing your best, and from making that best, in large measure, meet the absolute needs of the child. "Hic labor, hoc opus est."

These were the two main currents of opinion which met in conflict at the Crown Council a committee ad hoc consisting of the Cabinet and the leaders of the Opposition summoned by the king early in August 1914, when Rumania's neutrality was decided upon.

The house to which Theodose de la Peyrade now bent his steps had been the "hoc erat in votis" of Monsieur Phellion for twenty years; it was the house of the Phellions, just as much as Cerizet's frogged coat was the necessary complement of his personality.