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'My Heart's Delight! said the Captain, withdrawing to a little distance, with the greatest alarm and sympathy depicted on his countenance. 'If you can hail Ned Cuttle with a finger, do it! But Florence did not stir. 'My Heart's Delight! said the trembling Captain. 'For the sake of Wal'r drownded in the briny deep, turn to, and histe up something or another, if able!

She seemed kinder skeered and tremblin' like for a minit, not knowin' what to do; then with a sudden start she spread herself out just like the eagel of Ameriky, and soared rite up into the sky with nothin' to histe her by. I felt in my heart to foller her, and spread out just as she did, keeping near her on the sly.

Miss Arabella had no time to obey, for a third apparition arose out of the Sawyer orchard, feet first, and perching itself astride the fence, commanded, "Histe over that there ball!" It was another girl, exactly like the first, except that her mad mop of hair was yellow instead of black.

"You done lay yo' las' aig, you is!" "Hooray tag-rag!" shouted Chesterfield. "Histe yo' heels, ole Mrs. Satan," cried one. "You ain't no better'n a free nigger!" said another. "Yo' wheel done skotch for good, ole skeer-face! hyar! hyar! You better not come foolin' 'long o' Mas' Ned's niggers no mo'!"

But there is a mighty wide difference between thinkin' and feelin', ma'am." I saw Molly's eyes drop from his, and I saw the rose deepen in her cheeks. But just then a loud voice came from the kitchen. "You, Lin, if you try any of your foolin' with me, I'll histe yu's over the jiste!" "All cow-punchers " I attempted to resume.

"Wal, railly, now," said Captain Corbet, "I shouldn't wonder if thar was a good deal in that, though I didn't think of it afore. Course it's natral you shouldn't be over fond of sech, when you've had sech an oncommon tough time. An now, bein' as thar's no uthly occasion for the Antelope to be a lingerin' round this here isle of the ocean, I muve that we histe anchor an resume our vyge.