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In the deserted log cabin nothing seemed amiss, but some distance away on a bluff a stained ax was found; yet farther away a mound not a year old. Beneath it the remains of the Englishman were found with ax hacks in the skull. It was now a year since the commission of the crime and the murderer was by this far enough away.

The subscribers came up in twos and threes on the hacks of the well known "Shanks," armed with stout sticks; and then off they set, as gay and much more in earnest than many dozen who sport pink and leathers outside on hundred guinea nags. Music is a good deal cultivated among all classes in Sheffield. There are two scientific associations, but of no particular mark.

The Dons rooted you out in college; but you did not succumb; you fulfilled the saying of Sydney Smith, that 'Cribbage should be played in caverns, and sixpenny-whist in the howling wilderness. Ha! ha! how well I remember riding across Bullington Green one fine afternoon, and finding four Oxford hacks haltered in a row, and the four undergraduates that had hired them on long tick, sitting cross-legged under the hedge like Turks or tailors, round a rude table with the legs sawed down to stumps.

Hard work I had cut out for our poor animals, especially the one that should have to "carry double." Tough hacks they were, and had done the journey up cleverly enough, but it would stretch all their muscle to take us back before daylight.

"Twelve-three," said the trainer. "And she'll carry it, too. But I'll back my Berserk against their Iroquois any time o' day this side o' 'Appy Alleloojah Land." The hacks were being led out into the yard with a pleasant clatter of feet, and Boy was already mounted. "Come and see for yourself," panted the old man. "I'm goin' to send him along to-day.

There o'er the sordid gloom, whose deep'ning tracks Furrow the city's brow, the front of ages, Thy loftier light descends on cabs and hacks, And on two dozen different lines of stages! O twilight Sun, with thy far darting ray, Thou art a type of him whose tireless hands Hung thee on high to guide the stranger's way, Where, in its pride, his vast Museum stands.

I like her to-day more than ever; it is fair you should know that, in reading this account of her situation. It doubtless colors my picture, gives a point to my sense of the strangeness of my little story. Joscelind Bernardstone came of a military race, and had been brought up in camps, by which I don't mean she was one of those objectionable young women who are known as garrison hacks. Tester.

Frank was modest enough in his self-estimation, and as he saw the restless movements of the beautiful little highly bred creature his first thought was, "I hope I shall not be thrown." For his experience of riding was connected with ordinary, tamely disposed English hacks and cobs, and his opportunities had been infrequent.

He was looking through the window, and Robinson considered that the question showed a lack of interest in his statement, though he dared not hint at such a thing. "He's a Mr. Elkin, sir," he said. "As I was saying " "How does Mr. Elkin make a living?" broke in the other. "He breeds hacks and polo ponies," said Robinson, rather shortly. "Ah, I thought so. Well, go on with your story."

"His wife is equally happy, she enjoys it uncommonly, for she knows it will spite those horrid Mudges. She is determined not to invite them, for they make too much noise, it gives her the headache, and their flirting is too bad. Mrs White called them garrison hacks.