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"Whatever it bring upon me, I will get back to my woman's clothes," she vowed to herself over and over. "Though it become a hindrance to me, though it be the cause of my death, I will be a woman always. Odin forgive me that I thought I had courage enough to be a man!" At eve, the day is to be praised; A woman, after she is dead. Ha'vama'l.

Then he sent her back by the one semblance of a path which ran through the forest, and himself rode on to his hunters. All doorways, Before going forward, Should be looked to; For difficult it is to know Where foes may sit Within a dwelling. Ha'vama'l. "Once more, Lord Sebert, be exhorted to turn back," old Morcard spurred forward to offer a last remonstrance as city gates yawned before them.

He closed his lips again and walked on without speaking, staring ahead of him with fierce, despairing eyes. Moderately wise Should each one be, But never over-wise: His destiny let know No man beforehand; His mind will be freest from care. Ha'vama'l Because it was Yule Eve, the long deserted temple on the plain was filled with light and sound.

But none heard what passed between them. Brand burns from brand, Until it is burnt out; Fire is from fire quickened. Man to man Becomes known by speech, But a fool by his bashful silence. Ha'vama'l Brave with fluttering pennant and embroidered linen and sparkling gilding, amid cheers and prayers and shouts of farewell, on the third day the "Sea-Deer" set sail for Greenland.

It is better to live, Even to live miserably; .......... The halt can ride on horseback; The one-handed, drive cattle; The deaf, fight and be useful; To be blind is better Than to be burnt; No one gets good from a corpse. Ha'vama'l "Egil! Egil Olafsson!" It was Helga's voice, with a note of happiness thrilling through it like the trill in a canary's song.

"Lord," he said earnestly; then stopped because he could not find words in which to speak his gratitude. "Lord " he began again, and again he was at a loss. At last he finished bluntly, "Lord, I will serve you as only a man can serve whose whole heart is in his work." A ship is made for sailing, A shield for sheltering, A sword for striking, A maiden for kisses. Ha'vama'l

He is happy Who in himself possesses Fame and wit while living; For bad counsels Have oft been received From another's breast. Ha'vama'l. "Tata!" That was the pet name which Elfgiva had given to her Danish attendant because it signified lively one. "Tata! I have looked everywhere for you!"

He looked after her with a scowl, because he saw Egil watching him. But it surprised him that, search as he would, he could nowhere find that great soul-stirring rage which he had first felt against her. Something great Is not always to be given. Praise is often for a trifle bought. Ha'vama'l It was the day after this brawl, when the guardsman Leif returned to Nidaros.

And after that they spoke only of the future, when the first period of his Marshalship should be over and he should be free to take his bride back to the fields and woods of Ivarsdale, and the gray old Tower on the hill. Moderately wise Should each one be, But never over-wise; For a wise man's heart Is seldom glad If he is all-wise who owns it. Ha'vama'l.

Become his thrallwoman, by Odin, and betray my people for his sake! Now, as I am a king, I will punish her in a way that she will like less than strangling! I tell you, her luck is great that she is not here to-night." Fair shall speak And money offer, Who would obtain a woman's love. Ha'vama'l.