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She grasped his great strong arm firmly and says: 'It's nothing I shall be right presently leave me please, go and help those other girls. They had some low, heated language about his leaving her at such a crisis, with her gripping his arm till I bet it showed for an hour.

He passed two more rooms, both empty, both differing in no way from those he had already inspected; and then he came to the central chamber, four times as big as any of the rest and with a much brighter wall light. The Terran crouched, one hand on the surface of the partition top as an additional balance, the other gripping his stunner. For some reason his captors had not disarmed him.

With great good fortune, however, I managed to unbolt the door, and after a desperate struggle, in which he endeavoured to wrest the weapon from my hand, I succeeded at last in gripping him by the throat, and after nearly strangling him flung him to the ground and escaped into the street, just as his associates, hearing his cries of distress, dashed downstairs to his assistance.

Since his conversation with Hermione on the day of scirocco he had not been here, and as the boat glided under the hollow blackness of the vault, and there lay still, he remembered their conversation, the unloosing of her passion, the strength and tenacity of the nature she had shown to him, gripping the past with hands almost as unyielding as the tragic hands of death.

He hesitated again, gripping the window strap, putting his face forward and looking up at me appealingly. "This seems bosh to you?" "No, no!" I cried. "Go on. Tell me what this loggia was like." "It was not really a loggia I don't know what to call it. It faced south. It was small.

The length of Traill's strides brought him even with her. Sally was there. Sally was in the room. She lay crumpled on the bed, her legs drawn up, twisted, bent; one arm thrown out covering her face, her other hand gripping a corner of the bed-clothes, stretching out from her in tautened creases. She looked as though some giant hand had knotted her fragile body with fingers of iron.

He advanced upon Schuyler, gripping him by the arm. Schuyler stood for a brief moment, doggedly. Then suddenly his head dropped forward upon his breast. "Very well," he acquiesced, slowly. Suddenly his voice broke. He almost whispered: "I'm glad you've come, doctor.... I was helpless utterly helpless." They took the train within the hour.

Be frequent in gripping Christ and closing with him as their all-sufficient Mediator; and faith thus frequently acting on him may discover itself at length. Look to Christ that hath eye-salve, and is given for a witness. Keep grips fast of him, though they be in the dark; and walk on gripping to him. Keep love toward him and his working, and in exercise.

The white youth met him half-way, his face flushed, his eyes shining. "Mukoki," he said gently, gripping the warrior's hand, "Mukoki I love your Great Spirit! I love the one who made these glorious forests, and that glorious moon up there, and the mountains and lakes and rivers! I Want to know more about him.

She put out her great open palm, and slowly closed the strong, beautiful fingers into a gripping fist. "The commerce of the world, right here!" she said, thrusting the clenched hand, that quivered a little, almost into his face. Robert Ferguson snorted.