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'It cannot, cannot be put off? she asked. 'It is impossible, answered Gondremark. 'Your Highness sees it for herself. In the earlier stages, we might imitate the serpent; but for the ultimatum, there is no choice but to be bold like lions. Had the Prince chosen to remain away, it had been better; but we have gone too far forward to delay. 'What can have brought him? she cried.

But to show that I speak of knowledge, and not as the reporter of mere gossip, I may mention that I have myself been present at a meeting where the details of a republican Constitution were minutely debated and arranged; and I may add that Gondremark was throughout referred to by the speakers as their captain in action and the arbiter of their disputes.

To the devil with all casuistry! and leave the state to Gondremark, as heretofore. He does it well enough, they say; and his vanity enjoys the situation. 'Gotthold, cried Otto, 'what is this to me? Useless is not the question; I cannot rest at uselessness; I must be useful or I must be noxious one or other.

At midnight, did you say? It is Gordon, I see, that you have charged with it. Excellent; he will stick at nothing Gondremark watched her suspiciously. 'Why do you take the paper? he demanded. 'Give it here. 'No, she returned; 'I mean to keep it. It is I who must prepare the stroke; you cannot manage it without me; and to do my best I must possess the paper. Where shall I find Gordon?

'The commonplace injustice of a by-word, Otto cried. 'The partiality of sex. She is a demirep; what then is Gondremark? Were she a man 'It would be all one, retorted Gotthold roughly. 'When I see a man, come to years of wisdom, who speaks in double-meanings and is the braggart of his vices, I spit on the other side. "You, my friend," say I, "are not even a gentleman."

Half an hour after, Gondremark was once more closeted with Seraphina. "Where is he now?" she asked, on his arrival. "Madam, he is with the Chancellor," replied the Baron. "Wonder of wonders, he is at work!" "Ah," she said, "he was born to torture me! O what a fall, what a humiliation! Such a scheme to wreck upon so small a trifle! But now all is lost." "Madam," said Gondremark, "nothing is lost.

"Nay, madam," said Gondremark, smiling, "here you are beneath yourself. What is it that feeds their discontent? What but the taxes? Once we have seized Gerolstein, the taxes are remitted, the sons return covered with renown, the houses are adorned with pillage, each tastes his little share of military glory, and behold us once again a happy family!

Of all injured vanities, that of the reproved buffoon is the most savage; and when grave issues are involved, these petty stabs become unbearable. But Gondremark was a man of iron; he showed nothing; he did not even, like the common trickster, retreat because he had presumed, but held to his point bravely. 'Madam, he said, 'if, as you say, he prove exacting, we must take the bull by the horns.

"Madam," said the Baron, alarmed out of his caution, "command yourself." "Address yourself to me, sir!" cried the Prince. "I will not bear these whisperings!" Seraphina burst into tears. "Sir," cried the Baron, rising, "this lady " "Herr von Gondremark," said the Prince, "one more observation, and I place you under arrest." "Your Highness is the master," replied Gondremark, bowing.

It was the Chancellor, followed by four of Otto's valets and a litter. The servants, when they were admitted, stared at the dishevelled Princess and the wounded man; speech was denied them, but their thoughts were riddled with profanity. Gondremark was bundled in; the curtains of the litter were lowered; the bearers carried it forth, and the Chancellor followed behind with a white face.