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Elliot, a white-haired man of distinguished bearing, and a gigantic young viking with tawny hair and beard and powerful hands. "That's Gunther, an A1 sculptor," said McEwan, indicating the viking, who was looking at Mary as his ancestors might have looked at a vision of Freia. "They're well matched, eh, James?" "As well as she could be," the other answered gravely. McEwan looked at his friend.

"You rule by treaties alone," they say. Wotan looks anxiously round for Loge, the treacherous god of fire and lies. He has promised to find something that the Giants will accept instead of Freia; and when he enters he confesses to failure there is nothing, in the estimation of an earth-born creature, that is equal to a woman.

In exchange for their labours Wotan has promised to give them Freia, the goddess of love and beauty, but he hopes by the ingenuity of Loge, the fire-god, to escape the fulfilment of his share of the contract. While Fricka is upbraiding him for his rash promise Freia enters, pursued by the giants, who come to claim their reward.

He has searched throughout the world for something to offer to the giants instead of the beautiful goddess, but has only brought back the news of Alberich's treasure-trove, and his forswearing of love in order to rule the world. The lust of power now invades the minds of the giants, and they agree to take the treasure in place of Freia, if Wotan and Loge can succeed in stealing it from Alberich.

And yet the Swedes in remote parts of the country carefully preserve their antique wooden gods. The great sacrifices to Odin were made at Old Upsala. Outside the church, in a row, are three great mounds of earth, erected in commemoration of Odin, Thor, and Freia hence our Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

With sudden resolve at last he tosses the ring with the rest of the treasure, and turns heart-wholly to greet Freia returning among them, bringing back their lost youth. While the gods are expressing tender rapture over the restoration of Freia, and she goes from one to the other receiving their caresses, Fafner spreads open a gigantic sack and in this is briskly stuffing the gold.

For only the gateway remained to be completed, and unless the stranger should fail to finish that in the next three days, they must give him Freia with the Sun and Moon. The Æsir held a meeting upon Ida Plain, a meeting full of fear and anger.

The twin giants come back with their hostage, in whose presence Godhead blooms again. The gold is ready for them; but now that the moment has come for parting with Freia the gold does not seem so tempting; and they are sorely loth to let her go.

The world is overstocked with persons who sacrifice all their affections, and madly trample and batter down their fellows to obtain riches of which, when they get them, they are unable to make the smallest use, and to which they become the most miserable slaves. The gods soon forget Fafnir in their rejoicing over Freia.

And athirst for love, something of a grievance to Fricka. "Ehr ich die Frauen doch mehr als dich freut," "I honour women more than pleases you," he retorts to her reproach of contempt for woman's love and worth, evidenced in his light ceding of Freia. He calls himself and all call him a god, adding "eternal" even when the gods' end is glaringly at hand.