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He hath some other parts of almost equal merit, as Malevole, in the 'Malcontent; Frankford, in the 'Woman Killed with Kindness; Brachiano, in Webster's 'White Devil; and Vendice, in Cyril Tournour's 'Revenger's Tragedy."

Perhaps the brick mansion most thoroughly representative of the type of Georgian country house, of which so many sprang up about Philadelphia from 1760 to 1770, is Port Royal House on Tacony Street between Church and Duncan streets in Frankford. The rooms throughout are large and contain excellent woodwork and chimney pieces.

Only a few important instances of old Colonial houses having blinds on the lower story now remain. Port Royal House, for example, two and a half stories high, has blinds on the first story and none above. The Highlands has blinds on both the first and second stories, while Chalkley Hall in Frankford has blinds on all three of its stories.

You go to the cimetery at Frankford, and you’ll see it right along side of Leftenant Carrington’s, whose widow’s a flirtin’ with everybody in creation anyway, and Frankford sartin." "I’ve now told you of all that’s dead," continued he, striking the ashes out of his pipe and wiping it on his bagging trousers, "but I hain’t told you yit what troubles me more than all.

The card system of shop returns invented and introduced as a complete system by Captain Henry Metcalfe, U. S. A., in the government shops of the Frankford Arsenal represents another such distinct advance in the art of management.

Then taking a bag to carry it in, she started at once on foot. "At General Howe's headquarters she obtained a passport to leave the city. "She had a five miles' walk to Frankford, where she left her bag at the mill, and hurried on toward the American camp to deliver her tidings.

Telling her husband, at early dawn, that flour was wanting for domestic purposes, and that she should go to Frankford to obtain it, she repaired to headquarters, got access to General Howe, and obtained permission to pass the British lines.

At the original lottery distribution of the land of the Frankford Company in the cave of Francis Daniel Pastorius, there being no permanent houses at that time, the site fell to Thomas Kunders, in whose house at Number 5109 Germantown Avenue the first meeting of Friends was held in Germantown. After the Battle of Germantown the hill was used as a hospital, and many dead were buried there.

We had been married at the country parsonage of an old retired minister beyond Oxford church, on the road from Frankford town, as we drove out one afternoon, and I prevailed with my conscientious wife to yield her scruples to our heart's necessity. 'Great God! I thought aloud for none could hear me there 'how dreadfully that secret marriage will compromise my wife!

She was helped into the buggy by Andrew Zane, and in a few minutes the two were in the open country pointing toward old Frankford. They rode up the long stony street of that old village, whose stone or rough-cast houses suggested the Swiss city of Basle whence the early settlers of Frankford came.